To Launch a Startup, Use a Process! Why?  No Checklist Exists!

To Launch a Startup, Use a Process! Why? No Checklist Exists!

The Google search "how to become an entrepreneur" provides over 200 million results, with most offering slight variations of the following basic steps:

  1. Discover or invent your "eureka" offering.
  2. Identify a market for your "eureka" offering.
  3. Find funding to execute your business plan.
  4. Execute your business plan and become wealthy.

Apparently, discovering your "eureka" offering and finding a buying market must be obvious, as no additional information is provided. Moreover, every aspiring entrepreneur must already know how to launch a company, penetrate a new market, compete with well-branded competitors, and scale a company.

Oh, and finding and convincing investors, venture capitalists, and loan officers to provide you with hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash must be as simple as picking up a gallon of milk on your way home from work.

Seriously, the advice most gurus, thought leaders, and motivational speakers provide about becoming a successful entrepreneur is as helpful as "driving to the local convenience store and buying a winning lottery ticket."

No single checklist will ever work for an aspiring entrepreneur. Why? Because everybody's situation is completely different. Think about it. If a checklist did exist to launch a successful company and achieve financial independence, wouldn't it be the most popular text in the world? Let's be honest; the odds are against aspiring entrepreneurs, especially with the limited real help available to them. To be successful in launching a company, you need a proven, actionable process.

Having experienced no success following numerous generic and completely useless startup processes, plans, checklists, and templates, GCA Founder Randy Wimmer decided to use a framework or process that he developed to address complex challenges.

It's called the DADDEE Framework. DADDEE is an acronym for Dream, Analyze, Define, Develop, Execute, and Evaluate. And here's the crazy part of the DADDEE Framework: you must define what each stage means.

For example, "Analyze" begs the question, "analyze what?" Your unique and constantly improving answers to this question will ultimately help you focus on what really matters for your specific situation. "Define what?" Define your goals, your scope, your limitations, your opportunities, and so on. Develop a go-to-market plan, a Minimum Viable Product, a Pre-Seed or Seed Funding Strategy, or whatever is relevant.

There are no wrong answers—only derivations towards better ones. And checklists can be used. However, the trick is to create your own checklists that perfectly align with your unique situation. To learn more, please visit our website,


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