Launch of our Partnership Panels
Lucy Philip
Evolving L&D into a Strategic Partner & First-Line Managers into High-Performance Leaders. Transform with IMPACT? | ICF-Certified | Award-Winning Facilitator| Insights Discovery lView My Featured
April was an exciting month for PURPOSEFULLY BLENDED LIMITED , the first of our #partnershippanels. It's been on our vision board for a long time to create a best practice sharing space where Learning Experts and Managers, across different industries and organisations can come together in a purposeful way to transform performance.
We believe that when there is strong partnership and alignment between these two roles, the impact of learning is fully realised and translated into behaviour change and ultimately performance.
"Accountablity for training impact cannot be delegated to a training
department" Professor Robert Brinkerhoff
For our first panel we focused on the influence pillar of our #impact system and welcomed a truly expert panel, bringing experience from very different global organisations. Cheryl Lawrence-Tarr MBA , Marcello Rinaldi, eMBA, Ma. HRM and Johanna Bolin graciously shared with our #linkedinaudio audience their perspectives on:
2. The benefits of doing it and their experiences of what happens when you do it well and what the risks are if you don't engage well.
3. What they have tried and what best practice tips they have of things managers could be doing.
4. What the barriers are and how we can overcome them.
5. How the two roles can better support one another.
The great thing about #linkeiInaudio is that we were able to bring audience members up onto the stage to ask questions in real time or add to the conversation.
Here are a few snippets from the the panel discussion
Training does not exist in a vaccuum.
Creare a Learner Journey that includes the Line Manager from the very
Keep the follow up simple and in line with other regular
interventions, so that it doesn't feel impossible to fit in with
exisitng workload.
Linkedin audio is a fabulous informal space which really lends itself to 'real time' sharing and easy networking, one of the limitations of it though is that there is no 'replay feature'. We know that many people weren't able to attend that would have liked to with that in mind we have produced a summary of great ideas that were discussed:
Lucy Philip our #founder also shared some of the influence strategies we teach on our programmes for Learning Partners and Managers. In fact she has recently written a full thought leadership piece on influence, not authority lying at the heart of true leadership. You can access it below:
Our next Panel will focus on Coaching as a Leadership super power in honour of International Coaching Week which starts on the 8th May.
We have a very experienced panel, who are not only great coaches themselves but have also led the development of global programmes to up skill managers in the Global organisations they have worked in.
We look forward to welcoming you at that event.
Have a fabulous May.