"LAUGHING YOUR WAY TO BETTER LIFE: The Science of Why Laughter is Good for You"
Niran Ojomo, MD
Independent Scholar in Wellness, Aging & Preventative Psychiatry | Wellness Coach | Author-ALIVE OR NOT ALIVE | Founder of GENEXT INC | Host of Wellness Artist PODCAST.
THERE IS A PROVERB THAT SAYS, "Laughter doeth good medicine."?
"Charles Dickens goes up to the counter and orders a cup of tea. He quickly finishes it and asks for more. Charles Dickens can't afford to pay for the refill. The Barista drags him into the street and sends him to the poor house, where he pines away for his lost love, who is married to another man. He works his fingers to the bone in a factory, eventually rising to the upper echelons of society. Ten years later, he enters the same Starbucks and orders a cup of tea. When he asks for a refill, the Barista gives it to him free of charge. He pays for it anyway."
Laughter is the shortest distance between two people and the fastest way to gain perspective. If you want to know the meaning of laughter, ask your doctor or neuroscientist. If you see the importance of humor, ask a philosopher, preferably a funny one. The frontal lobe is involved in Laugher. Also involved is the Left Superior Frontal gyrus. These are the folds on the top front of the Left side of the brain. The third part involved is the anterior cingulate.?
"Do you know why some people think therapists can't help? Because they assume therapists lack a sense of humor! Therapists have some of the best materials out there. They're like stand stand-up comedians but with a license to diagnose! So, if you're not feeling better after seeing a therapist, maybe it's not because of their sense of humor or because you're not funny!"
"Take my comedy course, please!"
Laughter is good medicine, and we all busted into laughter. When was the last you last at yourself? It sounds weird; it does incredible things to the mind and body! It's Boba time with my two children. It feels funny, exhilarating, and refreshing away from my research, reading, and writing. Behind us on the queue, a young couple was curdling, giggling and curdling and talking about the "just laughed" they recently watched. I wondered if they could read my mind and knew I would be writing about "Laughing your way to a better life ."I couldn't be bothered; the air had good energy and vibes. The queue quickly became thinner as the sun continued to set. The young man serving us appeared to be in his early 30s and slightly overweight. He asked what drink I wanted, and my two children ordered them. He wondered what drink you like, young man; he smiled back, and we laughed. He thought for a second about how contagious humor and laughter are.
The fact that I have been researching and thinking about laughter lately makes me more observant around me. "When you smile, the world smiles back at you," I asked for a smoothie, and the gentleman asked about many sugars. He pushed the visuals toward me from zero to 100%. We both smiled; I could not care about my clean diet. I said 30%; life is meant to be Lived. We laughed, as we were both incongruent in a laughing comedy concert. We waited, and a few minutes later, we got our drinks. From the corner of my eye, I observed a vibrant community of different ages, and diverse backgrounds, smiling and giggling and connecting socially. The place smelt of sugar; just joking! Suddenly, I saw the glowing red light. "Take Life sip at a time ."I thought aloud about the motivation I need to keep going!
Several theories of humor attempt to explain why people find things funny. Here are some of the most prominent views:
1. Superiority Theory: This theory suggests that people find humor in situations that make them feel superior to others. For example, a joke that makes fun of someone's mistake or misfortune might be considered funny because it makes the listener feel superior to the person in the punchline.
2. Incongruity Theory: This theory suggests that humor arises from situations where there is a mismatch between what is expected and what happens. For example, a punch line that takes a joke in an unexpected direction can be funny because it subverts the listener's expectations.
3. Relief Theory: This theory suggests that humor is a way to release tension or anxiety. Jokes or humorous situations can provide a release from stressful or unpleasant experiences.
4. Benign Violation Theory: This theory suggests that humor arises from simultaneously benign situations that violate social norms or expectations. For example, a joke involving a harmless prank or a minor social faux pas might be considered funny because it violates social standards that are ultimately harmless.
5. Social Identity Theory: This theory suggests that humor can reinforce social identities and group boundaries. Jokes aimed at members of an out-group can strengthen the in-group's social identity and sense of belonging.
According to Dr. Brian King, her favorite theory of humor is Benign Violation Theory( BVT) because it has two things going for it. Foremost, it is consistent with how the brain processes information. Second, it explains EVERY INSTANCE OF HUMOUR IMAGINABLE. According to Begin violation theory, humor occurs when the following three conditions are satisfied by a situation. First, we have an idea of how things should be or predict what will happen. Second, what emerges is inconsistent with our opinions or forecasts; in other words, it violates our original appraisal or expectations, does so in a non-threatening way, and is a benign violation of our expected experiences. Third, we are in a position, cognitively speaking, to recognize the difference.?
Some doctors tell us that laughing produces physical benefits similar to vigorous exercise! Laughter has numerous benefits for both physical and mental health, including:
1. Reducing stress: Laughter triggers the release of endorphins, the body's natural feel-good chemicals, which can help reduce stress and promote relaxation.
2. Boosting the immune system: Laughter can increase the production of antibodies and activate immune cells, which can help protect against illness and disease.
3. Relieving pain: Laughter can release endorphins, which can help alleviate pain and discomfort.
4. Improving mood: Laughter can improve mood by increasing happiness and reducing anxiety and depression.
5. Strengthening social connections: Laughing with others can help strengthen social relations and improve relationships.
6. Enhancing mental function: Laughter can improve cognitive function, including memory, creativity, and problem-solving.
7. Increasing physical activity: Laughing can increase heart rate, oxygen consumption, and calorie burn, which can help improve physical fitness.
Many primates seem to laugh and smile. Chimpanzees, bonobos, gorillas, orangutans have all been recorded making sounds like laughter. When they are tickled, their responses to tickling sound a lot like human laughing. Chimps and bonobos are closely related to humans. So it may not be a big surprise that their surprise sounds the most like human laughter. Scientists are also studying all mammals to see if they have a sense of humor!
Chinua Achebe comes in and orders strong tea and a scone. He picks up the scone, and it crumbles in his hands. "Sorry," the Barista says. "Things fall apart."
The Barista asks Achebe if he's like honey on his scone. "Don't bother about the scone," says Achebe.?
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Dr. Brain King, The Laughing Cure.?
Heather Niver, When Monkeys LAUGH?