They laughed at me
Jane Cassell
Fixed fee Probate, Wills, LPAs & Contentious Probate to give you peace of mind. Free chat to understand what’s required. Jane’s team cares ????
Years ago, I used to attend a regular meeting for business owners to network, share ideas and support each other.
One week, someone decided we would discuss our niches.
I remember vividly.
"So Jane, who do you most want to help?"
"And if you had to narrow that down to your ideal client, who would it be?"
"Well, people who are alive, and when they die, the families of people who have died."
I remember people falling about laughing. We were a close group and it didn't mean they were making fun of me. They were clearly exasperated at how unmarkety I was being.
I've realised over the years as my personal story has come out, that I want to reach my Mum.
When I read about fellow professionals who do well for HNW clients, which I had to look up (High Net Worth), I realise I want to reach parents, real parents, who dash to the supermarket before the school run, who feel time poor.
I want to reach the person who got married last year, not realising that marriage completely cancels the Will they already had in place, the one that benefits their children. Even better, I'd love to reach the people who haven't yet married, particularly if they both have their own respective children.
There are solutions for those people, and I'd like to help.
And when people die, call me naive but I want to help the people who want to have a crack at the application for the Grant of Probate themselves, as much as those who want to formally instruct me.
I spoke with a family last year who had prepared all the information in readiness to deal with their Dad's estate, and our chat alerted them to the transferable tax allowances, which saved them £120k. They still went on to deal with things themselves, and I had total satisfaction that I'd contributed something meaningful.
So, do I want to help everybody? It might not be good business sense, but that pretty much sums up my Wills & Probate goals.
If you'd like a chat, drop me a line at [email protected] or pick up the phone and dial 01727 840 240 (option 3 for me).
Director at Lacuna Wills and Vice Chair for IPW ….. just be kind folks!
1 年Great post Jane. It distills the very essence of why we do, what we do!
Planning, protection and peace of mind for you and your family.
1 年Sounds like BNI Jane. Good to catch up last week BTW