Latest Updates from Headteacherchat

Latest Updates from Headteacherchat

Hello, I hope your day has been going well so far and that your weekend will be enjoyable.

Thank you to everyone who took advantage of the coaching offer. It has received a lot of attention thus far, and we are happy that we can assist so many of you. In case you missed it, I’ve provided additional details down below!



  • Three, one-to-one sessions per term?with a qualified coach and experienced education professional.?
  • Half-termly online group coaching sessions?- a chance to share experiences and to know that you are not alone.?

Book a call to find out how we can support you:?

Book a call today.

Find out more about CoachingPlus

Important Updates: As usual, please see the latest updates for you:

Improving attendance: good practice for schools and multi-academy trusts - Case study - GOV.UK

Schools and multi-academy trusts (MATs) share their different techniques for improving attendance rates in their settings.

Secretary of State for Education - GOV.UK

We’d like to set additional cookies to understand how you use GOV.UK, remember your settings and improve government services.

PE and sport premium for primary schools - GOV.UK

How much PE and sport premium funding schools receive and advice on how it should be spent.

Alternative provision for primary-age pupils in England: a long-term ‘destination’ or a ‘temporary solution'? - GOV.UK

A report on alternative provision (AP) for pupils of primary school age, based on discussions with parents and staff from primary schools, alternative providers and local authorities.

Safeguarding LGBTQ+ athletes | CPSU

Supporting LGBTQ+ young people in sport to understand and reveal their sexual orientation or gender identity.

Updates from our network:

Now Press Play

The Impact of experiential learning - engaging all children in the classroom???

Find out more about the benefits of learning through sound, story and movement with now>press>play’s latest Impact Report. Over 150 primary school educators contributed to this extensive independent research report by Chrysalis Research.?The report includes in-depth case studies on learning outcomes for children such as increased engagement, developing social and emotional skills, extending life experiences as well as improved discussion and writing.

Notably, 92% of teachers said it enriched the curriculum by offering something different, 82% said there was a greater willingness to participate and 70% said it particularly benefits pupils of lower abilities.?

Our Impact - Now Press Play

Impact We recently ran an extensive independent evaluation to highlight how our Experiences and resources benefit the children, teachers and schools who use now>press>play.?Download our full Product Impact Report We work with 0 children in over 0 schools to help every child fulfil their potential Want to find out more or arrange a free […]

Edu-Network - TeachFX - HeadteacherChat? (htchat)

TeachFX. TeachFX is a new way to lead instruction & professional learning . Our network includes edu-tech companies easily searchable for you. Find a Edu-Company which you can trust. We make sure these companies are worth a place on our network. Companies for schools.

Twitter Spaces 'When can I retire?' With @Wesleyan 15/11/22 at 7:30pm

HeadteacherChat ???? ♂? ??’s Space · Where live audio conversations happen?

Have a lovely weekend,

Lucy CEO?




