Latest update from EFSA clarifies important areas for risk assessment in birds and mammals
EFSA Journal 2023: Risk assessment in birds and mammals

Latest update from EFSA clarifies important areas for risk assessment in birds and mammals

A risk assessment for birds and mammals is necessary in accordance with good agricultural practices (GAP), which defines how the PPP will be used.

The updated document presents a tiered system of risk assessment that covers dietary exposure, secondary poisoning, and water contamination.

The focus of this (updated) guidance document is on:

  1. Birds and mammal species typical for agricultural landscapes in the EU
  2. The dietary exposure route.
  3. Direct toxic effects.
  4. The protection of individuals of potentially sensitive bird and mammal species in the acute risk assessment.
  5. Populations of vulnerable bird and mammal species.

??Points considered for Updations –

  • As per new regulatory framework.
  • Updated this document in light of the PPR Panel Opinion on protection goals (EFSA PPR Panel, 2010).
  • Revised this document in light of Regulations (EC) Nos. 1107/2009, 283/2013, and 284/2013.
  • Refresh the risk assessment methodology in light of new scientific findings and developments.
  • Feedback from Member States and other stakeholders.
  • Provided clarifications on the current methodology.
  • Considered the possibility of further harmonisation of higher tier risk assessment within EU Regulatory zones.
  • Considered the possibility of providing a calculator tool to accompany the updated guidance document.

For more information, please reach out to [email protected] or [email protected]

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