The latest Ulysses is in the water, but what’s in the toy box?
Photo by Bjorn Mierop for Superyacht Times

The latest Ulysses is in the water, but what’s in the toy box?

Outfitting Project 1011

Continuing our long-standing partnership with the Ulysses team, we were honoured to be approached to outfit the remarkable new 103m Feadship. ?

Recognised for offering the most reliable and practical guidance on yacht toys and accessories, we assist owners and crew in preparing yachts before their launch. ?

By factoring in owner preferences, storage capabilities, cruising itineraries, and more, our team ensures that exciting experiences await from the very moment a new yacht sets sail.

For the new Ulysses, we supplied a bundle of fun in the form of:

Work with us

Don’t hesitate to contact us for a chat about any facet of superyacht toy procurement.

Our expertise encompasses storage, safety, maintenance, alignment with itineraries, customisation, warranties, and much more.

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