The latest Trump "Fraud" case
Julias Wolfson
Retired, disabled. System Analyst II at PROJECTXYZ, Inc. Loved the job, and company was good to me.
by Akos Magyar
This case puts 400 years of common law tradition on its head and makes a mockery of every civilized legal system. It is to feed the most debased and moronic part of the population. People who believe that banks would lend tens of millions on a property without appraising it themselves. We'd have no banking system if that was the way things worked.
-Remember that Hunter Biden's cracked-out paintings are worth $500,000!
It reminds me of the "rape" case brought against Assange in Sweden by a 3rd party. A new way to get male students expelled from colleges by radical feminists. By having a 3rd party accuse someone in the back of the alleged victim. That A raped B but C complained without B even knowing or ever alleging rape. Assange took home some chick from a seminar and another woman filed a rape complaint against him unbeknownst to the woman who slept with him. An organized political hit.
Not a single bank or insurance co complained about the Trump Organization and not a single loan went into default or arbitration, nor did any insurance co allege any fraudulent or suspicious claims filed.
Yet Leticia went ahead and sued Trump on behalf of no victims.
Dizzy yet?
These are early steps toward communism.
The Leticia James and NY Judge Arthur Engoron (who appointed himself to be a Florida Real Estate Appraiser) types (just look at him!) want Marxist rule and to create a narrative that NYC Real Estate is expensive because of fraud committed by the evil bourgeois like Trump and his banker cohorts who inflate property values and create the current market conditions of unaffordability.
It was alleged that Trump inflated the value of his properties for mortgage and insurance purposes.
In essence, saying that large banks and insurance cos are run by morons who would just agree to any value a borrower or client wishes to disclose. That these morons have no investors to answer to, they just say, jump and the money flows.
Because their investors are also morons.
Those who ever owned a property (and insured it) know that no such thing is possible.
But there are masses of people who are so ignorant and stupid, and form the base of the Democratic Party (besides the liars and crooks who control it) and will believe such nonsense.
These are the people the Bolsheviks agitated 100 years ago in Europe to go out and harm the middle class.
Not only does this harm Trump's business, which is the main intent here but attempts to discredit the financial system and the real estate market of one of the world's most important and influential cities. Because if Trump lied, then the banks also lied, and so did the insurance companies, and the realtors, brokers, and lawyers who worked on these transactions.
All the condos sold by Trump were priced fraudulently (as well as all others after his because Trump created a base price), despite his buyers having been among the most discerning and sophisticated investors and purchasers.
All liars. All capitalist enemies!
Down with the bourgeois!
Unleash the mob!
Push them under the subway, loot their stores, rob their homes, stab them on the street, and jack their cars!
NYC Liberals tolerated and indulged communist radicals for too long and at some point, the city will reach the breaking point.
Hate Trump if you want but he again exposed something very rotten in the system. Very rotten and evil people who want to destroy everything and everyone opposed to their revolutionary ideals.
Yes, banks are famously infallible. It's not like they regularly need to get bailed out for billions.