Latest trend in IOT, Internet Of Things

Latest trend in IOT, Internet Of Things

- by Bedouin Paul

IOT, Internet of Things, also known as Internet of objects is the dawn of the new era that has been peeking through the lives on this living planet. IOT is the networked interconnection of the everyday objects, equipped with ubiquitous intelligence.It is the internet of physical and computing devices in everyday lives like the vehicles, home appliances, and other items embedded with sensors, software and network connections that enable these objects to collect and exchange data.

Technology firm Gartner Inc. Projects that there will be around 21 billion things in this world that will be connected to each other by the year 2020.The cost of instrumenting physical things with sensors and connecting them to other things is decreasing.As a result it’s impact is continuously increasing on the lives of people, devices and systems.

Impact on the daily life of an average person

Smart city is one of the powerful application of IOT.It generates curiosity among the world’s population. Smart surveillance, automated transportation,smarter energy,management systems, water distribution,urban security and environmental monitoring.The daily life of an average person comprises of all such things and it does not stop me to say that their life would change drastically once the IOT is being imposed and come into action completely.From brushing of teeth in the morning to the sending of good night messages to your loved ones will be monitored through the internet connections.

Commercial Application of Internet of Things

The day is probably not far away when all the things around us will get operated by the internet connections.The fingers will talk as you pass your fingers through the buttons of your smart phones and can easily connect through the things around you.The life of an ordinary person will turn to an extraordinary level.The impact will be enormous and here we are going to discuss some such points.

1) Transportation

The roads will be full of smart cars which will operate on its own and will reach the petrol pump when it requires just all alone.Even during the annual tune up of your car, or when the tyre pressure is running low it will reach the mechanic on the due date.


When a prescription will run low,the appointment with the doctor will be made with the help of RX bottles.Doctors or the house physicians will be kept informed about how often and when their patients are taking their medicine.Even it will be a cakewalk to measure the blood pressure and the sugar levels remotely.

3) Electricity

Is your Electric bill is running high? You are fed up of paying thousands of bucks though you are not using that much of energy? So,here IOT comes to the rescue.High-energy consumption electric appliances will adjust based on the dynamic price signals in order to lower the electric bill.The appliances will also get adjusted to the temperature one habituated to and even will turn off the appliances once it will sense an empty room to cut the costs and wastage.

4) Traffic

The driving will get a lot easier once we IOT is launched in this sphere.The traffic lights will be able to sense the arrival of any emergency vehicle such as ambulances,etc. and can monitor the traffic accordingly.The road sensors will limit the change in the speed limit based on weather and accidents.

5) Grocery lists

The stores will sense your previous rate of purchase and will push reminders to add list to your grocery lists.In case you forget to pick something from the store,the reminder will again be pushed to you so that you need not make the dreaded second trip to the store and waste time.The refrigerators will sense the availability of the staples such as eggs and milk inside and will run accordingly.

6) Monitoring your child

IOT is not only bound within your day-to-day life but also help you to play the physician for your baby.The IOT will help to monitor the child’s breathing rate and the temperature.In case of any abnormality an alert will be send to you so that you can take prior actions.

Summing it up

?As you can imagine, life in 10 years from now will be different from as it is now in 2017.The tech boom will change the life technically as well as materially.Though too much change at such a fast pace looks very empty and the mind hassles with the fact whether it is really possible to implement and work the lives of the homosapiens into a world where they will act like the robots, exchanging data and messages, but still we must look ahead in order to see what plans are afoot to build an IOT future.

Let us go through the video to have a better knowledge and learning of the latest aspect and the reach of IOT.

Sources: Internet of things by Samuel Green Gard, Research paper on IOT by Laurence T. Yang and Feng Xia, Wikipedia, You Tube, BI intelligence


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