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The AVERAGE SCORE is a compilation of six commonly used tools for making investment decisions: Earnings, Fundamental Analysis, Relative Valuation, Risk Assessment, Price Momentum, and Insider Trading. To rank stocks on a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 being the most favorable), the ratings of these components are averaged using a normal distribution. Different methodologies may lead to varying evaluations of these factors, and their importance can differ based on industries, market capitalization, and investment styles. It is always recommended to consider additional criteria when evaluating a stock.
In order to explore a different strategy from equally weighing each of the six factors, Verus Analytics, an independent research firm, conducted a backtest to find the most effective combination of factors. The results and weights assigned to each factor differed across four market capitalization categories. For large and mid-cap stocks, Fundamental analysis and Earnings have historically had the highest impact and are given greater weight in the Optimized Score. In the case of small and micro-cap stocks, Insider Trading emerged as a significant factor alongside Fundamental analysis and Earnings, contributing to explaining returns.