The latest in SEO Space (1-7th July 2024)
Hey guys,
The first week of July is done. I bet you have been busy laying down the groundwork for the second half of the year. Trust me, I've been there.
The past week has been busy. We just watched people lose their minds over GSC delays. Some were waiting for GSC to fail- A beautiful tale of another one killed by Google. Anyway, we have our consoles back after over 80 hours down.
Rand Fishkin, CEO of Sparktoro, recently released a report that 60% of searches end without a click. In summary out of 1000 online searches conducted online, only 384 go towards organic search. The rest don't end with a click to a website. Users end up finding their answers on the SERPs or they make an alternative search. Users also choose to click on other Google products like YouTube or Maps.
The report should be a point of reference moving forward for anyone building an SEO strategy. Organic search is becoming competitive by the day. You can read the rest of the report on Sparktoro to understand more.
The June Spam update is now complete. You may notice a few changes to your web traffic. If it affects you, keep it here for updates on ways to recover your site traffic. Keep it relevant as you publish quality content on your website.
Reach out to us if you're having trouble with SEO. We are always ready to help.