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KCSIE 2024 Webinar
We are delighted to invite you to this free webinar being held on Weds 4th September at 1930. This 45 min update will tell you everything you need to know about KCSIE 2023 - a recording will also be available to all those who cannot make it on the evening. Please sign up here to reserve your FREE place and access a copy of the recording. Once again we are grateful to Brightcore Training & Consultancy for supporting us so that our community can access brilliant CPD at no cost.
A Level Analysis
Whilst there is much in the press about A Level results we recommend the analysis from FFT which gives real facts and figures, rather than anecdotal stories. interesting in particular to note this year that the disparity between regions continues. London sees almost 33% of pupils gaining As and above compared to just 22% in the East Midlands. Also interesting to see that Further Maths and Modern Languages remain those with the highest proportion of the top grades. This analysis really is useful for Heads of Departments benchmarking their performance, enabling them to make comparisons based on school type, region and subject. You can see it in full here.?
VAT and January call for data
You may have seen that a new group, the Chairs, Heads, and Bursars (CHB), are calling for data to better understand the effect on state schools that January's VAT implementation date will have.
We are supporting Jamie Harle and the CHB by hosting the survey so that it can achieve a national accurate picture without commercial sensitivity being a factor. To date there is no clear picture of what? that pupil movement will do to state schools, especially regionally or when considering SEND provision. The survey wants to show how many parents will have given a terms notice by 7 September.
The CHB are working with other groups across various challenges and will ensure that this is fed into the public consultation by 15 September, whilst staying coordinated with other actions from other groups.?
We look forward to hosting an extraordinary webinar with the CHB on "VAT: The January to September logic and associated actions" on Wednesday 28th August at 10:30 please click here to register and you are also invited to join the CHB group here
Preparation for Headship: Online Course - special offer until 12th September.
This course brings together a hybrid model whereby you can access each session online at your own time, whilst attending live half termly clinics hosted by the team at RSAcademics.? Each core session drills down to focus on a key area of Headship; Leadership, Finance, HR and Marketing - each session delivered by a specialist expert.? You also have access to over 20 hrs of pre-recorded content - from AI in Education to ISI Inspection to the New Art of Headship - this really is brilliant preparation for any aspiring Head.? t If you are looking or considering? Headship, or know someone who is please do ask them to sign up and view the programme here.
Please enter code SUMMER before 12th September to benefit from a 50% discount on this course - access all the above for just £199. We are offering this in order to make it accessible to those self funding or in schools with very tight budgets.