Custos for eBooks is a new, reader-friendly way to protect ebooks against piracy. Based on a patent-pending technology used to protect screener copies of movies, it turns pirates on each other by embedding hidden Bitcoin bounties within ebook files. These bounties can be claimed instantly from anywhere in the world by a network of “bounty hunters” thus enabling rapid detection of infringements without inconveniencing honest customers. Custos for eBooks comes from Custos Media Technologies, specialists in creating technology for the distribution, management, and protection of "sensitive media." It's a division of London-based Erudition Digital, a company that sells digital publishing solutions, including a direct sales platform which won an Innovate UK challenge. The most widely used current solution to ebook piracy, “hard DRM” or Digital Rights Management, is far from perfect. (Full Report Here:
If you own a first or second generation Kindle, you might want to hold off before you perform a factory reset. That’s because Amazon appears to no longer allow those devices to register with Amazon accounts, according to The eBook Reader. The eBook Reader noted that devices that are currently registered remain so, but if users purchase a new device from a secondary market, or perform a factory reset, they could be out of luck. This means that while first and second generation Kindle owners can browse Amazon’s Kindle Store, they will no longer be able to connect the device to their Amazon accounts. (Full report here: )
The UWI Press has announced its collaboration with BookFusion and is now offering a selection of 293 UWI Press e-books. The UWI Press is a non-profit publisher of scholarly books in 14 academic disciplines. This partnership with BookFusion is in addition to the recent partnership between the UWI Press and the Alma Jordan Library on the UWI, St Augustine Campus, Trinidad and Tobago, which has made available the UWI Press e-book collections to libraries, ministries of education, and secondary and tertiary institutions. Through this collaboration, the UWI Press e-books will be available to the retail market in the Caribbean and Latin America retail market. The UWI Press has published over 350 print books since it was founded in 1992. (Full Report here: )
Scope e-Knowledge Center (Scope), a leading provider of knowledge services and a Quatrro Global Services company, announced that more than fifteen major book publishers have now developed enriched chapter level metadata by leveraging Scope’s ConSCIse solution. These leading publishers, including John Wiley & Sons, Brill Publishers, Cambridge University Press and ASM Press, have found that the quality and cost effectiveness of ConSCIse helped them meet a clear market need for enriched book metadata for driving discovery. The ConSCIse solution combines proprietary automation using Natural Language Processing (NLP), Machine Learning (ML), text-mining and semantic technologies, along with expert human curation by Scope’s extensive, multi-disciplinary team of Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) to ensure high-quality output. This unique model has enabled Scope to deliver millions of summaries and keywords of patents, book chapters, technical articles, standards, and other documents for numerous clients. (Full Report Here: )