Latest PHP Features to Know in 2021

Latest PHP Features to Know in 2021

This blog is a must read for all as you will get to know some of the amazing new features of PHP in 2021 that you will hardly get to know from anywhere.

Do you ever wonder that who is the leading supporter of the websites’ backend? It’s PHP i.e. Preprocessor Hyper Text. It is considered by most of the web developers. It has huge support among the developers because of its features which have been improving with time and making it a versatile language.

How did it started?

It started with just a small project which was an open source in 1994 by Rasmus Lerdorf. This was first version which was introduced. As it evolved with time developers got to know it’s utility and important and its support increased.

This server side scripting language is used with HTML to look after the database, sessions, dynamic content and many more things. It has great connection with databases such as MySQL, Oracle, and Informix etc. It is so versatile that even the complex queries can be run in less duration of time and has even set a record.

I am sure you may not know that it supports very famous protocols namely POP3, IMAP etc. It is considered as the most forgiving language. Not only this if you are a fan of C language then I am sure this is not difficult for you to learn.

Let’s explore, the enthralling features of server side language that will urge you to join PHP course at the best PHP training institute in delhi.

New Features in PHP 2020 :

1. Everyone loves to work with speedy software :

PHP 7 has become part of back-end or full stack developers’ life as it provides the best speed of running a program till date. This comes with a special attention on consumption of the memory which is certainly less consumed and provides far better performance. It has set a benchmark as its speed is twice now.

2. Which developer won’t like to set the type of declaration as they want :

In 2020, if you will be working with PHP then you will get to manually set the type of variable as you want to set and then PHP will not set it automatically. This makes it language lenient but still good to work with. There are many cases where you are not forced to declare a data type though it is required but still you will not get any error.

In earlier versions this was not the case, at that time the program used to halt and error occurs and you cannot proceed until that problem of function declaration is resolved. Not only this at that time there were just 2 types of function declarations one is through class name and other one is through an array.

  • Under this also come the scalar type declarations:

This version 7 has scalar types such as int, float, string as well as boolean which are supposed to enable some strict requirements by addition of scalar type hints. With introduction of this it is supposed that a better control can be provided to the code and this in return makes it easy to read by even a programmer who has not written that code originally.

These are not strict by default which can lead to change in the type of declaration that is being used. Like if you have declared a variable as int but its final result is in float form then it will change the number type of variable type as int only.

3.  No worries about looking for fatal errors :

In 2020, you do not have to worry about those errors that will lead to large loss. This is now already resolved and makes PHP error handling techniques the best. The fatal error will now just stop the whole program and will pause your code. This is done through error handling method which is introduced in php 7.

Errors such as type errors as well as parse errors which used to be considered as fatal in 5th version now show an error in php 7.

4. Some more new operators :

You will get to work with some more amazing new operators such as spaceship operator in this operators such as less than and greater than are used with complement to each other. It is used with three operators such as less than, greater than as well as equal to.

If a<b then the output will be -1,
If a=b then the output will be 0,
and if a>b then the output will be 1.

Another new operator that you will get to work is Null Coalesce operator. In this the output will be the right operator if the value is not null.

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