The latest news from November
The festive season is upon us and whilst the countdown to Christmas is underway, at Working Families we are focused on supporting parents and carers during what can be a stressful and overwhelming time. Our Legal Advice Service can be a lifeline for those who need guidance and with childcare costs set to rise in the new year, many parents and carers are going into 2025 feeling unsure of what their financial future looks like.
This December we are asking for your help with our biggest fundraiser of the year. From the 3rd - 10th December we are joining forces with The Big Give who will match fund all donations received that week. All funds received will go back into our Legal Advice Service, ensuring parents and carers have a place to turn - whether that is our advice pages online or via our helpline.
If you or your organisation can donate vital funds please click here and get involved.
For more on The Big Give and the latest November news keep reading...
The Big Give is our biggest fundraiser of the year and a time when we ask for your support to generate vital funds for our Legal Advice Service. Our legal advice pages received 1 million unique visitors in 2024 and our helpline advisors have answered calls from 1,500 people. This has meant that parents and carers up and down the country can access what they need, when they need it.
Just £10 could fund a specialist adviser to support four low-income working families over the course of a year, so every donation really does make an impact. During the 3rd-10th December, The Big Give will double every donation meaning that every pound is worth two!
To get involved take a look here.
Our 2024 Benchmark Report highlights the employers leading the charge in promoting positive parental policy and cultural change, that impacts everyday working parents and carers. These employers are creating progressive, family-friendly workplaces that represent the values we champion at Working Families.
On average, employers included in the report offered 18 weeks of fully-paid maternity leave as a day one right, 5 weeks of fully-paid paternity leave and 14 weeks of fully-paid shared parental leave. Those organisations which had an equal parenting policy offered on average 21 weeks of fully-paid leave as a day one right.?
Working Families CEO, Jane van Zyl commented: "With the recognition that parental leave is good for both babies and parents, the call is becoming louder for longer periods of paid leave for mothers and fathers/partners, and an equalising of leave so that families can decide how they want to divide up the care of their child."?
Read the full blog here.
We're asking you to skip the paper cards and postage this festive season with our personalised Christmas e-cards. Simply choose a design and make a donation to help us continue our vital work. It’s a simple way to be kind to the planet and give back.
Choose your design here.
We're thrilled to be shortlisted for the Most Effective Pro Bono Partnership Award by LawWorks. The Award sponsored by LexisNexis UK, recognises our Advice Service Hackathon, which saw 20 employment law specialists from 15 firms, review and update a quarter of our employment law advice pages.
The winners will be announced at an event at the Law Society of England and Wales in London on 4th December.?Wish us luck!
We're proud to share a collaboration between the Work and Equalities Institute, University of Manchester and Working Families. Through the collaboration we have created a paper outlining the knowledge and understanding of the challenges faced by SMEs in supporting employees, in particular with respect to families and other caring responsibilities.
Working Families and Emma Banister are conducting further research in the area of SMEs and family friendly practices. If you are interested in being involved in this work (either as an employer or employee) please contact Emma on [email protected].
You can read the full paper here.
For more news, updates and behind-the-scenes from Working Families, be sure to follow us on TikTok. Our newly launched channel is the destination to find video content, which shares and showcases the life of Working Families and breaks down important policy updates and news for you.
You'll find us here.