The latest news from the cluster!
In this newsletter, we zoom in on the latest news from the cluster. There has been many exciting things happening lately. From Seafood Case Days at NHH to Bolaks at One Ocean Conference.
We have also launched an Annual Report for 2023! Here you can read about our activities for 2023, and what we have done inside the cluster.
Enjoy the read!
Seafood Case Days at NHH
NCE Seafood Innovation, in collaboration with Ler?y, hosted Seafood Case Days 17th of April on the Norwegian School of Economics (NHH). The event connected academia with the seafood industry. Students from NHH's Innovation School engaged in solving a real-world challenge presented by Ler?y, that focused on submersible sea cages.
Fride Iversen of NCE Seafood Innovation stated that solving actual industry cases, provides students with a preview of the exiting challenges they can solve within the seafood sector. Professor Steffen Juranek from NHH praised the practical experience it provided, while P?l Erik Michaelsen from Ler?y valued the students' fresh perspective on industry problems.
We get an outside perspective from individuals who are not previously familiar with the industry - P?l Erik Michaelsen.
Prarticipants presented innovative ideas, and the jury chose one winner that devised an effective, efficient solution that was innovative. Seafood Case Days aims to be a key platform for attracting new talent and enhancing skills in the seafood industry.
Read more about the Case Day here!
Bolaks impressed the audience at One Ocean Conference
At the One Ocean Conference 2024, Bolaks stood out with a presentation by CFO Siri Stenersen Lohne on the company's initiatives in sustainable and circular economy within the aquaculture industry. Highlighting the project to transform aquaculture sludge from waste to resource, Lohne discussed the necessity for risk-taking in innovation and cross-industry collaboration for achieving sustainability.
Their own project, partnered with entities like Blue Ocean Technology and "Land meets Ocean" with Elise S?le Dahle, focuses on industrial symbiosis, exploring various sustainable uses for sludge. Despite challenges in implementing such a circular system, including matching the supply and demand of resources across different industries, Lohne underscored the long-term environmental and sustainable benefits. She argued for diverse approaches in sustainability and the importance of incentives to balance the risks involved in leading such innovative change.
Read more about Bolaks' presentation here!
Annual Report 2023 is here!
NCE Seafood Innovation has had an active year of developing projects, orchestrating events, and realeasing two Industry Insight reports, all aimed at enhancing knowledge and expertise within the seafood sector. Trude Jansen Hagland, the Managing Director, emphasizes the cluster's commitment to creating value for its members and fostering sustainable industry development.
The cluster has prioritized innovative collaboration, embodied by initiatives like "Land meets Ocean", which bolsters the Norwegian bioeconomy and cross-industry innovation. To meet the evolving need for expertise, NCE Seafood Innovation has developed several competence programs, including Seafood Next and Seafood Trainee, supporting industry newcomers and graduates. Notably, the cluster will introduce the Seafood Digital program in 2024.
This year has also seen substantial achievements, such as engaging 1500 students in Innovation Camps. Also significant contributions to Aquacloud's data pool, marking the cluster's continued trajectory towards progress and industry enhancement.
Read the full report here!
Upcoming Events!
07.05.2024 - "What does the fish say?", HavExpo 2024
16.05.2024 - HAVlunsj
05.06.2024 - SFI Smart Ocean Spring Conference 2024
13.06.2024 - HAVlunsj
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