The latest news in Digital Health - August 2024
Welcome to the latest edition of our monthly newsletter! You should all be back from a well-deserved time off and back to your desks... Here's a recap of what we published in August:
Frontiers Health 2024: latest updates
All the articles published on wearables, AI, Mobile Health, VR and EHR at
All the articles published on PNRR, startup opportunities, grants, digital tools to improve diagnosis and treatment of leukemia's patients at (ITA only)
All the Press Releases published via Business Wire at
Frontiers Health 2024
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Digital solutions in pediatric sepsis
Digital health technologies hold immense potential to transform the management of pediatric sepsis. These innovations can enhance early detection, streamline treatment protocols, and improve patient outcomes globally. In a series of four papers on pediatric sepsis published on The Lancet Digital Health, authors explore the global landscape of digital solutions in pediatric sepsis, highlighting recent technological advancements that are driving the creation of innovative applications. READ MORE
ConTIPI Medical partners with EVERSANA to launch ProVate in the U.S.
ConTIPI Medical, a leader in non-surgical solutions for pelvic floor dysfunctions, has chosen EVERSANA to spearhead the U.S. commercialization of its innovative ProVate device. This partnership aims to provide a new, non-surgical option for the 57 million American women suffering from pelvic organ prolapse (POP). READ MORE
Wearables: impact on physical activity in children and adolescents
A recent systematic review and meta-analysis highlights the potential of wearable activity trackers to promote physical activity among children and adolescents. The study reviewed 21 trials with 3,676 participants, averaging 13.7 years old. Researchers found that wearable trackers significantly boost daily physical activity, measured by step counts, although they did not observe a similar improvement in moderate-to-vigorous physical activity levels. READ MORE
Advancing early diagnosis of Type 1 Diabetes in children with Machine Learning
In 2021, over 355,900 children worldwide were diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, a number expected to rise significantly by 2050. Early diagnosis is crucial to prevent complications like diabetic ketoacidosis, but it remains challenging due to non-specific symptoms and diagnostic delays. A study published in The Lancet Digital Health highlights a new machine learning algorithm that can predict type 1 diabetes in children using electronic health records, potentially identifying 72% of cases within 90 days before formal diagnosis. READ MORE
NASA and the ISS National Lab unveil $4 Million funding opportunity for Space Health Innovations
The International Space Station (ISS) National Laboratory, in partnership with NASA’s Biological and Physical Sciences (BPS) division, has unveiled a pioneering funding opportunity aimed at revolutionizing space-based research to address some of Earth’s most critical health challenges. This initiative, known as the National Lab Research Announcement (NLRA), will allocate up to $4 million to support two to three pioneering projects that utilize the unique environment of space to develop breakthrough therapies for diseases like cancer, cardiovascular conditions, and neurodegenerative disorders. READ MORE
Study shows Mobile Health Technologies can track Long COVID recovery and risk factors
Efforts to?define?and categorize long COVID have?driven?to?different?terms and classifications. The UK’s NICE - National Institute for Health and Care Excellence categorizes?COVID based on symptoms?lasting. In short, long COVID emerged as a complex condition, primarily characterized by persistent symptoms after a COVID-19 diagnosis. The rise of digital health technologies, like wearable devices, offers a new way to study long COVID by collecting objective, passive data alongside self-reported symptoms. READ MORE
Stroke rehabilitation: personalized Brain-Computer Interface therapy
Dr. Sam Darvishi and his team in Australia have demonstrated the potential of personalized brain-computer interface (BCI) therapy to significantly improve hand mobility in stroke survivors. The study titled “Investigating the impact of feedback update interval on the efficacy of restorative brain-computer interfaces” explored how the feedback update interval (FUI) affects the effectiveness of brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) in stroke rehabilitation. READ MORE
India unveils first VR Nursing Training Lab
India has launched its first Virtual Reality (VR) Nursing Training Lab, a collaborative effort between MediSim VR and Kusum Dhirajlal (KD) Hospital. This state-of-the-art facility, located in a 300-bed multispecialized hospital in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, aims to revolutionize nursing education by integrating advanced VR technology. READ MORE
EVERSANA Unveils TEDAVI, the Breakthrough Content Creation Hub to Transform Agency Marketing Models and Maximize Brand Impact
EVERSANA , a leading provider of global commercial services to the life sciences industry, today introduced?TEDAVI, the pharmaceutical and life science industry’s premier content transformation hub built to streamline content production, enable personalization at scale and accelerate time-to-market for brand assets while ensuring compliance. READ MORE
StartUp Breeze 2024: Annunciate le 12 Startup Finaliste
Sono state selezionate le 12 startup finaliste di StartUp Breeze 2024, l’iniziativa promossa dalla Fondazione Toscana Life Sciences (TLS) e dedicata alle idee innovative nel settore delle scienze della vita. VAI ALL'ARTICOLO
Leucemia Acuta: diagnosi, sfide e innovazione
Gli strumenti di intelligenza artificiale (AI) stanno cambiando il panorama della diagnosi della leucemia acuta. Le reti neurali convoluzionali (CNN) hanno dimostrato grande efficacia nel rilevare blasti mieloidi e nel classificare i sottotipi di LMA e LLA attraverso l’analisi delle immagini citologiche. Queste tecnologie, però, necessitano di un preprocessing uniforme dei campioni, il che limita la loro applicabilità universale. VAI ALL'ARTICOLO
Finanziamenti al Settore Salute 2024
Nel 2024, l’Unione Europea continua a investire significativamente nel settore della salute, con un’attenzione particolare alla digitalizzazione e all’innovazione tecnologica. Nel documento del Piano di lavoro annuale 2024 (Work Plan (WP) 2024)?del programma EU4Health, la Commissione Europea descrive il programma di finanziamento per il settore sanitario nel 2024. VAI ALL'ARTICOLO
ASL Caserta: la valutazione dei dipendenti diventa digitale
Con l’adozione di un sistema di valutazione digitale per i suoi dipendenti, l’ASL di Caserta compie?un importante passo avanti verso la transizione digitale. La terza provincia campana, quindicesima in Italia per numero di abitanti, ha un bacino di circa 900mila utenti, con 11 distretti sanitari. Gli ambiti di valutazione riguardano sia le performance organizzative delle macrostrutture e delle Unità Organizzative, che quelle individuali di dirigenti e dipendenti del comparto. VAI ALL'ARTICOLO
New Study Shows InsideTracker Members Make Sustained, Long-Term Improvements in Health
An analysis of 20k people shows that the platform InsideTracker can reverse signs of type 2 diabetes, improve measures of heart health, and lead to other long-term health benefits. READ MORE
Solace Raises $14M to Empower Patients through Healthcare Advocates
The company’s virtual platform connects people with healthcare advocates for personalized healthcare support, covered by Medicare . READ MORE
restor3d Expands into Robotics and Navigation with Strategic Leadership Hires
restor3d , the medical technology leader in 3D printed, personalized orthopedic implants, announced its strategic expansion into the field of robotics and navigation through the appointment of seasoned leaders, Larry Hazbun and Kirstin Widding. READ MORE
Carna Health Announces Promising Results from Cameroon Pilot Program Aimed at Slowing Progression of Chronic Kidney Disease
Digital health startup Carna Health provides chronic kidney disease (CKD) screening and identification of individuals with impaired kidney function to improve large-scale population health. READ MORE
SimplePractice Expands Into the Psychiatry Space with the Launch of ePrescribe
The leading mental health platform, SimplePractice , expands its services to now serve psychiatrists and other mental health prescribers. READ MORE
BlueSleep Announces Care Partnership with Elektra Health
BlueSleep , a specialty care digital platform focused on snoring and sleep apnea, today announced a care partnership with Elektra Health , a first-of-its-kind menopause platform with evidence-based telemedicine care, education, 1:1 support, and a private community. READ MORE