Latest Malware Alert - Attackers Spread Malware via Fake Website Certificate Errors
Mubarak AlHadadi
Founder and CEO of #24ieye and Managing Director of #Areena #Rasd Media Qatar. Oman and Qatar
In the recent days, cybercriminals are found to distribute malware by using a new technique of inviting victims to install a malicious “security certificate update,” when they pay a visit to any compromised websites. Yes, the attackers distribute security certificate update requests, making an attempt to damage the victim with backdoors and Trojans by making use of a malicious installer.
The cybercriminals attract their targets with an error message – ‘NET::ERR_CERT_OUT_OF_DATE’ displayed within an iframe above the website’s actual contents, asking the victim to install the security certificate, for the connection to be successful.
The Security certificates also termed as the digital certificates are released by the Certification Authorities, mainly to encode the communication between the website's server and the user’s browser.
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