The latest on how AI is changing the business landscape

The latest on how AI is changing the business landscape

A Note from Malcolm

22 years ago the US Department of Justice won its antitrust case against Microsoft.? The core issue was the bundling of Internet Explorer with Windows.? This week Google lost a similar game-changing verdict as Judge Amit Mehta ruled that the search leader had illegally leveraged its dominance to box out competition and stifle market innovation.??

Will Google be broken up as a result??Probably not, though there is logic in turning search, cloud and YouTube into standalone businesses.?

While challenging for Google, this decision is very positive for the AI economy.? Note that, to date, the vast majority of AI innovation has come on the heels of massive investment (think NVIDIA, OpenAI, and the hyperscalers).?This ruling should help democratize AI innovation, just as the Microsoft judgment opened the door for rapid advancements in Social and Mobile from smaller, nimbler players.??

Oh, and don’t worry about Google.?Having $415 billion in total assets tends to take the sting out of things.??

With that lens, here are some highlights from the past week at the intersection of enterprise AI and work:

1. Google loses massive antitrust case: “Google is a monopolist, and it has acted as one to maintain its monopoly.”

The largest government decision in Big Tech since 2002’s Microsoft ruling.? What it might mean. Check out the latest business news.

2. Another jobs for AI pivot: Dell is cutting staff as it invests in AI

Dell is applying AI to four core areas: product development (specifically software coding), content management, sales tools, and customer service.? But an insider calls progress a “s**tshow.” Read the article here.

3. The gap between AI expectations and outcomes in the workplace is wide

The growing gap between expectations of company executives and what workers are reporting. Find the full report.

4. A snapshot of worker sentiment: Concern over layoffs up, job fulfillment down

3 out of 4 GenZ employees described their work as “a job” that pays the bills vs. a “career” through which they gain enjoyment and pride.??See or listen to the entire story.

5. OpenAI hit by executive exodus?

Growing pains or is OpenAI becoming the Netscape of AI? Check out the exclusive report.

6. 86% of enterprises see 6% revenue growth with AI: Google

“Generative AI is not just a technological innovation; it’s a strategic differentiator.” See the full survey here.

7. S&P Global partners with Accenture to train all of its employees on AI

“AI is for everyone…We want to bring this to all of our employees, whether they’re in the finance function, the legal function, or a salesperson looking to understand their customers [better].” Find the latest post on AI.

8. MIT: A playbook for crafting AI strategy

How to move from pilots to production in the enterprise. See the entire article.

9. Glean in talks to raise $250 million

Enterprise AI search leader gaining momentum, valued at $4.5 billion. Read the latest AI news.

10. Tool of the Week: Dataminr

Detect high-impact events and emerging risks in real-time from public data. Check it out!

11. Legal AI could force a rethink of the billable hour

How will law firms drive future revenues when the bottom of their pyramid - junior research staff - is replaced by AI? See the exclusive AI news.

12. Researchers worry about AI turning humans into jerks

OpenAI safety researchers worry about technology’s influence on social norms.?Read the latest news.

13. More AI regulation on the horizon

The brewing storm over California’s AI bill. Check out the latest AI article.

14. No god in the machine: the pitfalls of AI worship

The bigger threat than AGI??Falling for today’s hype.?Read about it here.

15. And one more thing…

Minnesotan among US accents most confusing to AI, study finds. Check it out.

OK.? See you all next week.



