The Latest Global Data-COVID 19

The Latest Global Data-COVID 19

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COVID-19 casesreported by WHORegion, and global deaths by 28-day intervals

At the regional level, the number of newly reported 28-day cases decreased across?all?WHO?regions: the?Western?Pacific?Region?(-89%), the?African?Region?(-53%), the Region of the Americas (-38%), the South-East Asia Region (-36%), the??Eastern??Mediterranean??Region??(-22%),?and?the??European??Region??(-7%). The??number??of??newly reported?28-day?deaths?decreased?across?five?regions: the?Western?Pacific?Region?(-84%), the?African?Region (-66%), the South-East Asia Region (-57%), the European Region (-44%), and the Region of the Americas (-22%); while?reported?deaths?increased?in?the?Eastern?Mediterranean?Region?(+18%).

At the country level, the highest numbers of new 28-day cases were reported from the United States of America (1 085 170 new?cases; -29%), Japan?(752 935 new?cases; -77%), China?(537 561 new?cases; -95%), Germany (376 450 new?cases; +6%), and?the?Republic?of?Korea?(349 277 new?cases; -66%). The?highest?numbers?of new 28-day?deaths?were?reported?from?the?United?States?of?America?(12 111 new?deaths; -17%), China?(5915 new deaths; -91%), Japan?(4818 new?deaths; -52%), Brazil?(2186 new?deaths; -24%), and?the?United?Kingdom?(2027?new?deaths; -48%).

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Newly reported and cumulative COVID-19 confirmed cases and deaths, by WHO Region

*Percent?change?in?the?number?ofnewly?confirmed?cases/deaths?in?the?past?28?days,?compared?to?28?days?prior.?Data?from?previous?weeks?are updated?continuously?with?adjustments?received?from?countries.

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Percentage change in confirmed COVID-19 cases over the last 28 days relative to the previous 28 days

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Percentage change in confirmed COVID-19 deaths over the last 28 days relative to the previous 28 days

-SARS-CoV 2?variants?of?concern?


Geographic spread and prevalence

Globally, from 30 January to 26 February 2023 (28 days), 60 559 SARS-CoV-2 sequences were shared through GISAID. Among these, 60 521 sequences (99.9%) were the Omicron variant of concern (VOC).

There has been an increasing trend in the proportions of recombinant lineages. In epidemiological week 6 (6 to 12 February 2023), pooled recombinant variant sequences accounted for 41.5% (7748 sequences) of sequences, which has increased from 18.7% (8919 sequences) in week 2 (9 to 15 January 2023). The majority of these recombinant variants in week 6 were XBB.1.5 (32.6% of all sequences). In addition, recombinant variant XBF accounted for 1.2% of all sequences. During the same reporting period, Omicron BA.5 and its descendent lineages accounted for 31.8% of all shared sequences (5936 sequences) a reduction as compared to 61.8% in week 2 (9 to 15 January 2023). The prevalence of Omicron BA.2 and its descendent lineages remained stable (13.7% as compared to 13.9% in week 2, 2023).?Unassigned sequences?(all?presumably Omicron awaiting descendent?lineage assignment) accounted for 12.9% of the shared sequences in week 6. Omicron BA.1, BA.3 and BA.4 variants and their descendent lineages all accounted for <1% prevalence in week 6.

WHO is currently monitoring seven Omicron subvariants.5 These include BF.7 (BA.5 + R346T mutation in spike); BQ.1 (including BQ.1.1, with BA.5 + R346T, K444T, N460K mutations in spike); BA.2.75*; CH.1.1 (BA.2.75 + L452R, F486S); XBB*??excluding?XBB.1.5??(BA.2.10.1??and??BA.2.75??recombinant);??XBB.1.5??and?XBF??(BA.5.2.3??and??BA.2.75.3 recombinant). These variants are being monitored due to their observed transmission advantage relative to other circulating variants and additional amino acid changes that are known or suspected to confer fitness advantage.

keyword:#covid19 #healthcare #Virus #epidemiological #WHO #SARS #Omicron #medical

More Reading:

  1. Advice from WHO : COVID 19
  2. Why does the new coronavirus produce "WHITE LUNGS" in the human body?


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