The Latest from Industrial Inspection & Analysis
Industrial Inspection & Analysis
Industrial Inspection & Analysis, Inc.(R) (IIA) is a high growth industrial inspection, testing, and analytical company.
Top 10 Questions to Ask When Evaluating Inspection Providers
When evaluating inspection providers, it’s important to ask the right questions. As a leader in NDE, IIA offers these Top 10 Questions to ask when evaluating potential partners.
Put Quality in the Driver’s Seat of Automotive Manufacturing
The average car contains an estimated 30,000 parts. And it’s critical to ensure the quality of each one before it ever hits the road. IIA is equipped to examine any part with confidence — from the smallest nuts and bolts to wireless technology, auto body panels and engine blocks. Read more.
API Solutions from A-Z
You understand the need to periodically inspect tanks, pressure vessels and process piping. But if these inspections reveal flaws, cracks or corrosion, what’s next? Whether you need a simple API inspection or advanced engineering analysis, IIA’s turnkey solutions will maximize the life of your equipment and make your life easier.
Walking the Talk on Safety
Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR) — the number of injuries per hours worked — is an excellent indicator of a company’s safety culture. IIA’s low TRIR of .49 in 2023 reflects our commitment to safety — and our mission of Making the World Safer. To reduce your risk, read why you should consider TRIR when evaluating inspection companies.
Understanding Testing Requirements for Aerial Devices
For booms, ladders and other aerial devices, improper maintenance and metal fatigue are the most common problems that lead to safety issues. Adhering to a scheduled testing and maintenance program is the easiest way to protect people and property — and IIA can help. Read more.
Documentation is Key to Ontario Crane Regulations
Crane owners, sharpen your pencils! Detailed documentation is more important than ever to comply with the new Ontario crane laws. Read why logbooks are critical and what to do if you don’t have one.
Watch: Comprehensive Fire Truck Inspections
Is your fire station looking for a streamlined and worry-free inspection experience? Watch a brief video showcasing IIA’s top-to-bottom fire truck inspections.
Tim Royer: Testing Expertise; a Sunshine State of Mind
Equally comfortable under the sea or under the hood of a classic car, Tim Royer is always up for a challenge. And that includes the diverse challenges he encounters as Lab Manager for IIA’s Florida EMC lab. Get to know Tim.