?? Latest engagement opportunities - A weekly roundup from GFMD ( August 23rd)
Global Forum for Media Development (GFMD)
Securing the future of journalism
?? For more engagement opportunities as well as the latest news on how to support journalism and media subscribe to our?LinkedIn newsletter MediaDev Insider.
Here is your weekly roundup of the latest journalism support, media policy, and media development engagement opportunities collected by GFMD:
Deadline: 08/09/2023
Location: UNHQ, New York
Deadline: 27/08/2023
Location: Virtual
Misinformation, Disinformation, Malinformation: Case Studies from Civil Society Organsiations - International Civil Society Centre
Deadline: Ongoing
Location: Online
Deadline: 01/10/2023
Location: Mena Region
Get in touch?to publicize your policy,?advocacy, and?coordination?activities to support independent media and journalism and other journalism support, media policy, and media development engagement opportunities on the?GFMD website.