The Latest Covid-19 News
I hope you're still in good health.
On Sunday, the government outlined their plans for the next few months, and how they're closely monitoring the situation so that we can start to return to work.
Although many found the message confusing on the day, the government has since expanded it's meaning and provided new guidance to help clarify their proposed next steps. We have summarised some of the key points below.
Also this week, there was an update on the furlough scheme, and information about an extension on filing your company accounts if you have been adversely affected by COVID-19.
If you want help in preparing to return to work, or bouncing back from COVID-19, please contact me on 01384 355444 or using the contact us form on our website. We can help you maximise opportunities and emerge stronger.
Doug D'Aubrey.
Furlough scheme
It was announced on Tuesday that:
- Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme will continue until the end of October
- The furlough scheme will remain in it’s current form until the end of July
- Furloughed workers across UK will continue to receive 80% of their current salary, up to £2,500
- More specific details and information regarding how the scheme will run from 1st August will be made available by the end of May 2020
- New flexibility will be introduced from August to get employees back to work and boost the economy
- From the start of August, furloughed workers will be able to return to work part-time with employers being asked to pay a percentage towards the salaries of their furloughed staff
- The employer payments will substitute the contribution the government is currently making, ensuring that staff continue to receive 80% of their salary, up to £2,500 a month
For more information go to
To check if you or your employees are eligible for furlough go to
To calculate furlough pay go to
Going back to work
The government have now produced guidelines for UK employers to help get their businesses back up and running and workplaces open as safely as possible.
The five key points are:
1. Work from home, if you can
All reasonable steps should be taken by employers to help people work from home. But for those who cannot work from home and whose workplace has not been told to close, the government's message is clear: you should go to work. Staff should speak to their employer about when their workplace will open.
2. Carry out a COVID-19 risk assessment, in consultation with workers or trade unions
This guidance operates within current health and safety employment and equalities legislation and employers will need to carry out COVID-19 risk assessments in consultation with their workers or trade unions, to establish what guidelines to put in place. If possible, employers should publish the results of their risk assessments on their website and we expect all businesses with over 50 employees to do so.
3. Maintain 2 metres social distancing, wherever possible
Employers should re-design workspaces to maintain 2 metre distances between people by staggering start times, creating one way walk-throughs, opening more entrances and exits, or changing seating layouts in break rooms.
4. Where people cannot be 2 metres apart, manage transmission risk
Employers should look into putting barriers in shared spaces, creating workplace shift patterns or fixed teams minimising the number of people in contact with one another, or ensuring colleagues are facing away from each other.
5. Reinforcing cleaning processes
Workplaces should be cleaned more frequently, paying close attention to high-contact objects like door handles and keyboards. Employers should provide handwashing facilities or hand sanitisers at entry and exit points.
To assist with specific industries 8 industry specific guidelines have been produced to help employers to think through what is necessary to keep people safe:
- Construction and other outdoor work
- Factories, plants and warehouses
- Lab and research facilities
- Offices and contact centres
- Other people’s homes
- Restaurants offering take away or delivery
- Shops and branches
- Vehicles
Filing company accounts
If you think that you may be delayed filing your company accounts on time due to COVID-19, you can apply for a 3 month extension. However, you must apply before your filing deadline. It takes about 15 minutes to apply and you will need the following:
- The company number
- An email address
- Information about your extension reasons
- Any documents that support your application
If the application is approved and you file your accounts before the extended deadline – you will NOT be issued with a late filing penalty.
To apply for an extension on your accounts filing deadline click here.
We will continue to update you as more information becomes available.
If you need any help, please contact me on 01384 355444 or using the contact us form on our website.
Please continue to stay safe, follow the advice from the government and continue to support one another.
Best regards,
The ETC team