The latest on CityAge

The latest on CityAge

We'd scheduled a series of posts this week to promote the new version of our website, It spoke to a new approach we're excited to share, but it was increasingly clear by the hour that it no longer spoke to our shared moment. Given the events in cities not just in the United States, but in Canada and around the world, we felt it important to pause, edit, and draft anew. 

We believe, have always believed, and have worked hard to drive the idea that cities are the solution. As Ed Glaeser said years ago, cities are our greatest invention. But for years we've seen the problems in cities growing. Now the greatest public health crisis in a century has hit urban regions of increasing inequality, ever-increasing homelessness, too-low investments in shared infrastructure and decreasing access to opportunity.  

In 2012 we coined the term The Business of City Building. We've since broadened it, to The Business of Building the Future. Our focus on business is purposeful. We believe that pragmatism and relentless experimentation with new solutions is essential to building the shared prosperity we all desire. New ideas, implemented by a new generation of leadership using tools adapted to an increasingly digital era, is the best path forward. 

CityAge’s new lens will take our campaigns digital: America’s Recovery, for example, and The Future's Cities will each feature virtual events that deliver highly-produced big ideas to networks of leaders.  

Our first episode of CityAge Virtual launches on June 25: Bringing Back the French Quarter, focused on the business future of the nation’s most popular tourist and entertainment districts. It will place a special focus on New Orleans as a case study with our partners at BridgeTower Media. Register for it here

We’re also launching a new format called CityAge Select. It will convene tailored groups of leaders in a virtual setting that details solutions and builds relationships. The first edition looks at the need to Reimagine America’s Schools, a vital project with our longtime friend and colleague Ron Bogle. 

All of this will feed steady content of the same quality we've always produced. Have a look at for the latest.  

And we will return to live events very soon! As soon as we can safely gather again. Needless to say we're looking forward to that.

Much more to come on these soon. And please reach out to Miro  or me anytime.


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