Latest chapter in amazing journey

Latest chapter in amazing journey

In 1971 a group of Irish speaking families on the Shaws Road formed the first Irish medium school in Belfast. Their leadership brought new ideas and new thinking and emboldened a new generation of leaders – many of whom were not Irish speakers but who were inspired to believe that their children could also learn through the medium of Irish.

What is now common place was revolutionary in those first formative years. The parents and committees that made it happen desired no recognition other than a good education for their children through Irish but they paid for it with long hours of fundraising and struggle. Their reward is the resurgence of the Irish Language.

In 2018 that reward will take another big step forward as Colaiste Feirste completes a £18m redevelopment, the lastest chapter in this wonderful journey. This is the beginning of an even bigger project.

In acknowledging this important milestone, Forbairt Feirste, the Gaeltacht Quarter development agency, is calling the many committees who made this success possible to come together once again. Let’s call it a kind of class reunion.

This time however the treats are on us (although expect a ballot or two). There may even be a horse to bet on and a firework at the end of the night. Most of all we want to use this special night to unveil a plaque which will include the names of the founding committees who have played such an important role in bringing Irish Medium Education to this wonderful point.

We also want to tell you about An Spas Díon, which among other things will tell the story of Irish Medium Education in Belfast. We want to hear and record your stories and tell the world how far we travelled.

This special event will take place on St Brigid’s Day 2018 at Spórtlann na héireann on the Coláiste Feirste Beechmount site.

For further details, contact Jake MacSiacais on [email protected]  02890438597

This is a wonderful inspiring story Jake! Comhghairdeas ó chroí!



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