Latest on Burford vs. Sysco; Lawdragon Releases Top 100 in LitFin List; Forecasting UK Litigation Trends; and Is LitFin an Uncorrelated Asset Class?
Legal Funding Journal
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Case Developments: An Alternative Perspective on the Dispute Between Burford and Sysco
The dispute between Burford Capital and Sysco Corporation has continued to dominate headlines over recent weeks, with commentators speculating on how this situation will resolve and the potential implications for the wider litigation funding industry.
Writing in an op-ed for Bloomberg Law, Dai Wai Chin Feman, director of commercial litigation strategies at Parabellum Capital LLC, offers a comprehensive analysis of the root cause of the dispute: Sysco’s original breach of its agreement with Burford. Dai Wai traces this conflict back to Sysco’s breach of its $140 million funding agreement, by breaching the terms prohibiting ‘Sysco from divesting collateral without Burford’s consent’. Read the full article >>
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Innovation: Lawdragon Releases 100 Global Leaders in Litigation Finance Guide
The latest edition of Lawdragon's annual listing recognizes funders from across the world, with individuals on this year’s list hailing from countries including Australia, Germany, Singapore, the United Kingdom and United States. Lawdragon stated in its announcement that as an ‘advocate of inclusion in the legal profession’, the 2023 guide is 32% female, and 17% inclusive. Read the full article >>
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Trends: Forecasting UK Litigation Trends for 2023
Harbour Underwriting examines the current state of UK litigation and suggests what areas funders may be pursuing most actively. Unsurprisingly, competition claims are highlighted, citing the 10 Collective Proceedings Orders (CPOs) that have been already approved by the Competition Appeal Tribunal (CAT), along with the 24 opt-out CPO applications which began in 2022. A spectre remains over UK competition claims, with the upcoming Supreme Court decision likely impacting how these claims can be funded by third parties. Read the full article >>
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Commercial: Examining the ‘Uncorrelated’ Nature of Litigation Funding as an Asset Class
It is often said that one of the most attractive qualities of litigation funding is that it stands as an uncorrelated asset class, largely insulated from market forces and the macroeconomic situation. However, writing in for Thomson Reuters’ Dispute Resolution Blog, Tets Ishikawa, managing director at LionFish Litigation Finance Limited, suggests that in the wake of SVB’s collapse ‘it would be a mistake to sit back and watch the mayhem with the comfort that litigation funding is uncorrelated.’ Read the full article >>
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