Lateral Entry Program for Joint Secretary post - A great Step

In 1984, Indira Gandhi invited Sam Pitroda - an acclaimed technologist to help India modernise telecommunication. He worked wonders assisting the government through new projects and policies. Researcher M. S. Swaminathanhelped India into green revolution. Another researcher Verghese Kurienbrought the white revolution. Scientist Homi J. Bhabha helped India with the nuclear revolution. None of these got through leading a government body the traditional ICS/IAS way.

While civil servants can help run bureaucracy and implement policies, you need experts from outside to build key policies.

Who would know to bring a better telecom policy:

Option A: A Phd in telecom engineering with 20 years experience running telecom companies.

Option B: A BA in History with years of experience as a district magistrate.

Most countries, including Singapore, hire experts from the industry and help them drive the policies. That leads to better professionalism. India relies way too much on career civil servants, who are no doubt smart, but might lack critical technology experience to drive the nation’s technology progress.

While it is awesome that India gives its young graduates power to run district administration, we are at a point where we need better experience and technology experience.

Nehru and Indira did smart decisions by bringing critical experts. There is no reason why Modi should not do the same.

Finally, speaking of fairness, if it is ok that someone who just cleared an exam [albeit tough one] to immediately command over people who spent years working in their field [say the District SP vs a sub inspector], why cannot we have someone with real expertise take some of the critical posts that can change the future of the country?



