Late Autumn into Early Winter~ Update your Skin Care Routine
Sharing good times with family and friends and enjoying Late Autumn into Early Winter season’s exhilarating weather--sometimes sunny and clear, other times, dreary and cold--is intrinsic to this beautiful season, and at the transitions of temperatures, it's important to maintain a quality skin care routine.
With unpredictable weather and new routines to cope with the changes, the excitement surrounding the celebrations about to take place keep us moving and motivated. Energy is at a peak during this glorious time of year and getting prepared for the colder weather ahead is part of this transition. We benefit by cleansing our bodies and homes, eating well, and continuing exercise~what could be better than a brisk walk in the wonderful crisp air to bring a healthy glow to our cheeks!
Now is traditionally a busy time for everyone preparing for fun and feasting. It is also, therefore, a time when we forget to really prepare and nourish our skins for the harsher, drier and dehydrating effects of this season. So, remember one of my favorite Beauty Secrets~
“Just as we dress warmer by layering our clothes, it's a perfect idea to layer our skin care products in order to provide enough protection and moisture for our sensitive faces exposed to cold, wind, dryness, dehydration, low humidity and variations in outdoor and indoor environments.” The following is my tried and true guide for an adjusted BEAUTY ROUTINE--
In brief, the steps are; 1) Cleanse GENTLY; 2) Mist LIBERALLY; 3) HYDRATE with Base, Middle, and Top Layers; 4) Protect with a safe SUNSCREEN
I also highly recommend Extra Care Steps for Eyes & Lips, Hands & Feet, Body & Hair.