The Lasting Impact of "Micro-Moments"
Richard Honiball
Seasoned C-Suite Executive | Award Winning CMO, Marketer, & Brand Builder | Top Retail Influencer | Innovative Strategist | Team Builder | Educator & Mentor | Customer Focused | Ally | Most importantly, Husband & Dad!
Early Reflections: Saturday, October 12th
A week of ups and downs. Personally, and professionally. Truth be told, each of you could likely say the exact same thing.
In marketing, we are placing a higher focus on the “customer journey” and understanding those “milestone moments” that can have a significant impact on our engagement with customers. These are the moments that if we understand, if we are at our best and exceed customer expectations, we can. A new home. The birth of a child. Within the military resale environment, there are more of those moments to celebrate. A promotion in rank or position. PCS, when someone moves to a new assignment, and likely a new area of the world. Deployments. Homecomings. Being prepared, stepping up to support, that is what we try to do every day.
I also believe strongly in the “micro-moments.” I define these as unexpected moments, ones you cannot plan for, but you need to be prepared for, or at least understand their value. When a customer wants to return a purchase. Has an emergency. When you can’t help them but need to show empathy. They can also be moments that just happen, you have no particular role in, but leave one with a profound impression, nonetheless. These unexpected moments can sometimes be more important than milestone moments because it is when you can be caught off guard, but how you react and engage can have a dramatic impact. Positive, or negative.
This goes beyond marketing and consumers; I think the same principles hold true in how we engage with associates. It holds true in our personal lives. We prepare for the milestone moments and these can make a difference, but those micro-moments can sometimes be those make or break moments.
Did I mention my week of ups and downs?
Yesterday was the US Navy’s 244th Birthday. Which means, a command celebration. Speeches. And cake. There must be cake. However, yesterday was a milestone moment for a very special individual, our CMC, or Command Master Chief. If you don’t know what a CMC is in the Navy, I would encourage you to look it up. They serve as one of the most important resources and influences in the Navy. Suffice it to say they are a rare and hallowed breed. Fleet CMC’s even more so. Women in this position? The list gets whittled down to dozens in the entire fleet.
After thirty-one years serving our country, CMC Shannon Howe reenlisted on the Navy’s 244th birthday, getting ready for yet another move, another assignment, another opportunity to make a profound impact.
CMC Howe has become a friend. A mentor. An inspiration. She personifies servant leadership. Grace under pressure. The balance between authoritative and humility. Able to find humor and fun in most situations, willing to make tough decisions and tackle difficult conversations. Putting others above herself. Inspiring as much by her actions then by her words, though her words can bring a room to tears and convince them that they can overcome any obstacle. A cryptologist by trade, she has jumped out of planes, been shot at and shot down, served on the front lines and behind the scenes, and every step of the way has impacted countless of sailors and civilians around her. Including me. I “outrank” her from a hierarchy perspective, yet that will not stop her from coming into my office, closing the door, and asking “what the #@*% are you thinking!?”. At the same time, she is the first person to offer me encouragement, praise, and support and remind me that what I do and how I do it matters.
Watching her be honorably discharged (a tradition), then being re-enlisted by our CEO, a retired admiral, on this specific day, was one of those moments. One who shuns the limelight as servant leaders often do, her brief words were to thank her NEXCOM family and ask us not to think of her, but of those “baby sailors” around the world in harm’s way who were re-enlisting every day to keep us safe and protect our freedoms and to do all we could to support them.
In that micro-moment, it suddenly became a week with more ups than downs. With more opportunities than challenges. And it gave me the energy and inspiration to push forward.
Thank you Shannon Howe. It is truly one of my greatest honors to work alongside you.
(you can follow me @rhoniball or connect with me at