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Yes, we had another bone-chilling day again, and this morning, in spite of having my winter gloves on, I thought my fingers were going to freeze and break off while trying to get a sold sign planted in the ground at a home I sold which was listed by another agent. Of course I'm being overly-anxious about tomorrow's weather which is likely going to be very treacherous if we do get the sleet they're predicting. Let's hope I'll be able to make it to my 10:00 a.m. appointment without any problems.
My scheduled closing did take place at one of our local lenders, and of course I had to mention to the buyer how much I personally liked the home. Wicked me went on to say, “As jaded as I've become from being in a very many of Mason City's homes over the years, you should even more consider my words a great compliment regarding the design and appeal of your new home.” “I'm gonna love my new home.”, was her teary-eyed answer. Yes, I'm very happy over bringing that buyer and seller together.
Most of my day was spent impatiently waiting for a call from the selling agent of the home that was supposed to close yesterday, and by the time the hour of three rolled around, I received a call from that agent saying there was yet another hiccup on the sale of the buyer's home, so it now looks like my listing isn't gonna get closed out until Monday. I think we should we add a deep prayer that it does happen because there's been an abnormal number of hold-ups on the buyer's end. I understand 'shite' happens sometimes, but unfortunately there's absolutely nothing I can do to fix such problems, especially when they're happening six States away.
Since I had to hang close to my office all day, I called a tradesperson and asked that he stop by my office because I had a small gift for him, so about a half hour later he showed up. I had to smile when handing him a plate of Christmas goodies when saying, “Now just remember, if one's good, two should be better.” Of course he's one who always has to have the last word, and that was, “Well, I guess I'll go home now and get fat.” Too funny.
One of my past clients dropped by unannounced, just to bring me up to speed on what's been happening in her world, along with my relaying of tidbits of information I knew she'd find amusing. The main reason for her visit, was to tell me that after the first of the year, she'll be calling on me to sell her home, so as of right now, I've got three people who're planning on listing with me this coming January. Now that'll be a good start for the year 2025. Before she left, I went and grabbed a plate of Christmas treats for her as well, because being the good cook she is, I was certain she'd appreciate it even more.
Speaking of the year 2025, I stopped out to Staples to purchase another yearly appointment book which I've used for decades, and when I went to pay for it, I just about freaked when seeing it ring up at a whopping $36.00. My gosh! I can't believe how expensive they've become, and I don't even want to think about what they'll cost after 'D.T.' starts his tariff wars. Please remember that those wars affect the pocket books of our consumers the most. I really have to go digging for that online article regarding Warren Buffet's comments on why he believes 'D.T.' never did well in business.
With so much free time on my hands, I decided to do some additional news reading, and one of the articles I came upon piqued my interest enough to where I began to read about the mostly unknown philosophers who made lasting contributions to their field. Of the twelve or thirteen that was listed, there ended up being three of them I did a little more research on, so if you're interested in the lives of those long-forgotten philosophers, look up Meister Eckhart who was from Germany, Simone Weil who was from France, and lastly, Jan Patocka who was from Czech Republic. I'd heard of the first two, but never before, the last. Should I have some extra time this winter, I'll be looking for some of their published writings.
Tonight's One-liner is: Become aware of what's in you, and then announce it, pronounce it, produce it, and give birth to it.
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