Lasting Change is Possible
Sometimes life throws us off track, and soon the scale says we've gained 15 pounds, and we're tired all the time and not happy with where we are in life and worry about what's coming next. But the thought of making any changes is overwhelming, especially with everything going on all around.
And besides, changing habits is frustrating ??and challenging. Yet, the internet and the media promise quick and easy fixes, so why is it so hard? No surprise that many of us begin to feel demoralized, especially when change doesn't happen quickly. We tell ourselves, we can't do this, another incomplete, and eventually join the more than 90 percent of people who give up on their goals.
But what if advertising told people up front that changing behaviors takes time? That it takes time and work? It certainly won't get likes on Instagram, Facebook, or sell products and programs that promise instant results. For example, "3 Complicated Ways to Lose Weight" doesn't stand a chance next to "Marie Osmond's Secrets to Losing 50 lbs Fast." Or "How to Admit You Made a Mistake on the Job" won't fair well against the "3 Ways to Get Promoted While Doing Very Little Work.." After all, isn't that why we enroll in these programs or buy these products? We expect to leave with a different result, only to realize that whatever momentary change we felt was just that—brief.
The excellent news is lasting change is possible and so worth it! ??????
The fact is the brain??is plastic; it's malleable, we can change it. All you must do is let the old habits wither and allow new neural patterns to replace them.?
So, what is the first step in bringing about positive change?
Ask what is it that you want or need to change? Then write it down—it builds commitment and holds you accountable. Finally, ask yourself why you want to change.
Maybe you want to feel better? Become self-confident again. Or you don't like what you see when you look in the mirror. Perhaps you are in a controlling relationship, don't have a good friend at work, or are tired of having no extra money to do fun things. Or maybe you know you should set boundaries and make some changes to be healthier by avoiding negative people, limiting particular foods, or giving up your nightly two glasses of wine. Still, they fulfill another need in your life.
So ponder ?? this if you want things to be different; think about how your life would improve? For example, would you like the way you look, enjoy your work more, have better relationships, get off medications, and rid yourself of chronic pain? What benefits would you get if you made some minor lifestyle changes? ????
Lisa Burbage | CEO, Founder