Last Week I Talked To An “Advertising Victim”
Steven Clauson
I Help Established Businesses Compete And Become The Dominate Choice In Their Target Market Within 18 Months Using The Assault System
Advertising Victims are alive and well. I had the opportunity to talk with a Home Improvement Contractor last week and I felt his pain. His story was like many. Without naming names or getting overly specific I want to share some of the story and some of what I invited him to do.
By all appearances he was doing everything right. His advertising was just about everywhere. Everything I could find spoke well of him, his service and his company. The presentation was top quality and based on what I could see anyone would be comfortable picking up the phone and calling him. Knowing all that he wondered why people weren’t calling. The reality is he’d become an advertising victim.
When I asked what his marketing plan was he didn’t have an answer. My question about his next vacation had some very specific answers. Far too many business owners are working so hard and managing so many things that marketing and planning take a back seat to everything else. This is how victims are born and families suffer.
Michael Gerber’s book “The E-Myth Contractor” talks about victims like this. Incredibly hard working and industrious professionals trying to get ahead while working 60 to 75 hours a week. These folks have an impossible time finding help they can trust… help that knows what they’re doing. What this man never learned is only about 4% of the people who are seeing his advertising are ready to buy right then. Only a little more than 11% of the people who see his advertising are actively considering a purchase in the next year. This 11% need more information to make a decision based on something other than price. He had no method of capturing the name of the person still deciding and no way to explain why he was the obvious choice. He needed a plan and a way to get there.
We’re now working to solve these issues. I have promised to remove him from the list of advertising victims sooner than he’ll believe. He will soon know who wants his service, what they expect and what else they want. Best of all he will return to having his nights and weekends to spend with his family. Every morning I read out loud “more marriages and more families are torn apart over lack of money than lack of love.” This man was unique in that he had the money but lacked the time. I will help him have more of both. ??How can I help you?
My name is Steven Clauson.??I coach?people who want help getting where they want to be.?The people I coach are typically already taking action, getting results and?ask what’s next and what actions to take?to make an even?greater impact.?They aren't afraid to ask for help.?How can I help you??What actions are you taking???Those who have a plan and implement that plan lead the pack.?Planning, preparing to win and taking appropriate action means you?hear the word?"YES"?more than ever.?Only if you are one of the few willing to take action, do what's required and?play full out?are you likely to hear the word yes more often.?People hearing the word?"YES"?are winners?on the playing field because they play full out and dominate.?For these?people?results matter.?Tired of results?less than you know you can produce???Call me at 916-230-0176 or visit?