Last week in Denmark (24.01 – 30.01) Episode 4
Narcis George Matache
Business and Political Advisor | Writer | Project & Event Manager | Trainer | EU Expert
Vaccination HQ
Status: 3,16% of the population has been vaccinated (184.307 people). 0,76% of the population has received the second vaccine shot (44.568 people). The vaccination campaign has slowed down due to delays in the deliveries promised by Pfizer-BioNTech.
Side-effects: The Danish Medicine Agency received 1.917 reports of possible vaccine side-effects. However, most of the reported side effects are known: pain at the injection site, headache, malaise, dizziness and fever.
Vaccine priority: Due to vaccine shortage, caused by delayed deliveries, the health and social workers will receive the vaccine later than planned. The priority are the citizens over the age of 85.
Restrictions: The current restrictions have been extended until 28th February.
Health minister, Magnus Heunicke: “Even though the infection rates are relatively low, the British mutation threatens to get the epidemic out of control” on the issue of extending the restrictions.
Re-opening: There is a chance that students from grades 0 to 4, will return to school before 28th February. This is the first step towards lifting the restrictions. The government expects to begin the gradual re-opening in March.
New vaccine: A vaccine developed by Novavax has shown 89.3% efficiency. The vaccine has been tested in the UK, with the participation of 15.000 people. The company is expected to start the process of approval soon.
EU vs. AstraZeneca: AstraZeneca/Oxford vaccine has been approved by EMA (European Medicine Agency). The vaccine is cheaper and easier to use than the ones from Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna. However, the company announced that they will deliver less than promised.
Ban on vaccine export: Vaccine produced in the European Union cannot be exported to rich other nations, as we are facing a vaccine shortage at the moment.
Testing: A study from SSI shows that the antigen tests (the tests with a 15 minutes response) are better than previously announced. However, the PCR test (with a 24 hour response) is still the most reliable method of testing.
Danish Politics HQ
10-day isolation: A new law is currently under the consideration of the Folketinget (Danish Parliament), that if approved will make it a requirement for travelers coming from abroad (including Danish citizens) to be tested and go into isolation for 10 days. The law is expected to be passed soon as it has the support of the majority in the Parliament.
Children First: The government presented a legislative package of 43 initiatives aimed at improving children’s welfare in Denmark. Adoption will be made easier; the whole placement system (foster families, institutions) will be upgraded; the case workers will receive training to deliver better care; UNICEF Children Rights Schools will be placed around the ghettos; the attention on the families with a violence and/or substance abuse will be increased and the interventions will happen earlier.
“Insane” driving: SF (Socialist Party) and DF (Popular Party) proposed - cars should be confiscated in case of dangerous driving. FDM (Federation of Danish Motorists) and National Association of Defense Lawyers, consider that the proposal will create situations, where the police can seize a vehicle, even without proper reason.
Weekend/Holiday peace: SF (Socialist Party) proposed - the public institutions should be able to contact the citizens only during normal working hours and days. At the moment, public institutions like job center can contact an unemployed citizen during weekends or holidays.
State produced vaccine: Enhedslisten (Red-Green Alliance) proposed - If Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna cannot supply enough vaccines, then the state and Danish companies should start producing them. The idea was quickly dismissed as it would take six-months to start producing.
Conditioned social benefits: Venstre (Liberal Party) proposed - Non-Danes that want to receive social benefits should be available for community work. The party leader announced that a Venstre-led Denmark means stricter immigration policies.
St?jberg dilemma: Venstre (Liberal Party) still waits for the resignation letter from Inger St?jberg. The majority of Venstre mayors from Jylland, gave an ultimatum, while the mayor of Skive is still supporting her.
Danish Economy HQ
Mink-saga ending: A political agreement has been achieved. The mink industry will receive compensation between 15.6 and 18.8 billion DKK. The lost earnings from 2020 and the potential earnings from 2022-2030 will be covered. Read more here.
Food and Agriculture minister, Rasmus Prehn: “There will not be many mink breeders left in Denmark when the ban on mink breeding expires after 2021.” on the issue of banning the practice altogether.
Long-term unemployed: 27.000 people; KL (The National Association of Local Authorities) proposed - Jobcenters should reopen. Minister of employment, Peter Hummelgaard, rejected the idea, as it isn’t necessary to go physically to a jobcentre.
Copenhagen: Parents who keep their children at home, will be exempt from paying for daycare. Read more here.
Daily Life in Denmark HQ
Corruption index: Denmark is the least corrupt country in the world. Title shared with New Zealand. The top 5 is completed with Finland, Singapore and Sweden. The Transparency index measures among other things, corruption in relation to bribery and management of public funds in the public sector. Read more here.
Fraud tourists: Young Danes are holding parties on Austria’s empty ski slopes. They went there under the pretense of looking for work.
Video consultations: 270,000 video conversations with the doctor in 2020. The director of Danish Patients, hopes that this option will be kept after the pandemic is over.
The World in 2021 HQ
Norway: EU fishing vessels banned from Norwegian waters until an agreement on quotas is found. However, Norwegian fishermen continue to sell to the EU via Danish fish auctions. The Danish fishermen are not happy and proposed a ban on Norwegian fish. The Food and Agriculture minister rejected the idea.
China vs. Taiwan: China sent a clear message to Taiwan - “independence means war”
IMF: Global economic growth at 5.5% in 2021, predicts the International Monetary Fund. This positive outlook is based on hopes that the vaccination campaigns will bring the pandemic under control. Read more here.
Extreme weather: claimed the lives of 500.000 people over the past 20 years. An analysis by the think tank Germanwatch, shows that extreme weather conditions made the global economy lose up to 16.000 billion DKK, during the same period. Read more here.
Handling of pandemic: Best country - New Zealand; Worst country - Brazil; Top 10 best - Vietnam, Taiwan, Thailand, Cyprus, Rwanda, Iceland, Australia, Latvia and Sri Lanka; Denmark - nr.23; Assessed by The Sydney Lowy Institute think tank, on different criteria like number of tests, infections and corona-related deaths.
General Motors: Their production of petrol and diesel cars will be phased out until 2035. In the meantime, they plan on releasing 30 different electric cars. Read more here.
Space tourists: Four (rich) men have been selected to be the first tourists to the International Space Station. The tour is organized by the company Axiom Space. One ticket costs 55 million US dollars.
Reddit vs. Hedge Funds: Predatory tactics by the hedge funds, determined an army of users from Reddit to challenge them on the Gamestop actions. The hedge funds lost billions of dollars. Read more here.
European Union HQ
Commision President, Ursula Von der Leyen: “EU countries have invested billions of euros in helping pharmaceutical companies develop vaccines against covid-19. Therefore, companies will also have to abide by their agreements and deliver the vaccines that the member states have ordered.”
Sweden: Mink breeding put on pause for 2021.
The Netherlands: Week-long violent protests against the restrictions. More than 240 people were arrested, police used water cannons and dogs to disperse the protesters. In two cities, the military police restored order.
Portugal: President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa re-elected with more than 60% of the vote. Also, help was requested from other EU states, as the Portuguese healthcare system is near collapse.
Hungary: The government approved the use of Sinopharm (Chinese vaccine). Last week, they approved the use of Sputnik V (Russian vaccine). The only EU state to use any of the two vaccines.
Reader’s Corner
World’s cartoonists on this week’s events
Newsletter team
Curator: Narcis George Matache / Proofreader: Monika Elend
Marketing & Distribution: Cristian Pa?cal?u (Marketing), Andreea Bianca Buza (Graphics), Lucian Pal (Distribution), Armando Hysenaj (Distribution & Marketing)
Romanian-version team: Diana Popa, Delia-Claudia Sima, Oana Elena T?nase
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