The Last Two Book Recommendations
I recently realised that I never finished my eight-week series of book recommendations. (Last semester quickly became very busy and something had to give.) Therefore, for the sake of completeness, I am going to give the last two now.
The first one is a non-fiction book called Female Innovators Who Changed Our World by Emma Shimizu. I was kindly gifted this book by my placement company at the end of my year in industry. It has been a great resource which I have used a number of times to inform my previous posts about inspirational women in STEM. It is definitely a book to dip into whenever you need a bit of inspiration or motivation.
The second is a fiction book called The Tenth Muse by Catherine Chung which is about a female mathematician working on the Riemann Hypothesis. When I read it as a teenager, I found it motivated me to work hard and to be ambitious. It was great to see women in STEM being represented in literature.
I hope these recommendations have been useful. Happy reading!