Last Orders at the Racecourse
Do you want a competitive advantage to increase your profit and potential in 2019 and beyond?
I started the SW Business Growth Summits to give our business community (people like you) exactly that, a competitive advantage. For years I have traveled to see some of the world’s top business speakers deliver to audiences around the world. The motivation, education and tools on offer are huge and are reflected in the performance of the businesses who choose to invest. Surely attending these events is a 'no-brainer'.
And yet, I have discovered since running my own businesses finding the time and the money to travel to an event where the perceived value is unknown tends to lead to many businesses never taking the step that will give them the next level of success they are looking for. My vision for my business is ‘to know and grow every business in our community’. As a result of this I looked at the impact, the reach I was achieving and saw it was not enough. Following the Business Excellence Forum in Harrogate in 2016 we decided we had to do more.
Working with other like-minded businesses we committed to bringing world-class education and motivation (in the right direction) in a single day at the right price (£156) not only for our clients but to the whole of Bath, surrounding towns and our business community.
We are always committed to your success and, if you are yet to book for this year's summit (this Friday 1st March)... Please clear your diary and book your ticket today.
If you are unable to make this years event... give us a call to find out more about 2020's summit!