Letter from Lesley – Friday 16 April 2021

The death of the Duke of Edinburgh marks the end of an era, no matter what you may personally think of monarchy and the Royal family.

For me, when I was very small, Prince Philip was just another kilted bloke I sometimes noticed driving a landrover in the village where we lived. I saw him at a distance a the Braemar Gathering and had some sense he was an important person. But princes and queens – beyond the realms of Disney films and bedtime stories - are not something that impinge much on the lives of seven-year-olds. Later the duke brushed against my life as he was Chancellor of Edinburgh University where I studied. And my working life crossed his a couple of times as I organised events where he was the main player and, at DCMS, I would have been responsible for the media at his funeral had he died on my watch.

What has come across is a sense of duty. The wartime service. The commitment to charities. The love of family. Someone was saying on the radio this morning that the key to how Prince Philip worked a crowd was his focus on the people and not on himself – he may have been the star attraction but, for him, it was about others.

It is a lesson for us all. You don’t have to wear a coronet to be of use. In my own way I have always believed that, when you do something, it is not about blowing your own trumpet but about pride in a job well done. The best people are often invisible because it was not about them - it’s about those they serve or represent. I have seen too many expensive, well-cut suits – in the City or politics or, even, construction - spout florid rubbish to think a talent for self-promotion equates to competence or any practical value.

Service is not showy. And it does not have to move mountains by itself. Service is often about unacknowledged, dedicated work on tasks – and often tiny incremental actions - patiently performed over many years. It is something we all can do. There is no thought of thanks or praise or financial reward. This last year has shown us that!

Membership associations as a case in point. Things work on goodwill. At APS the small team of staff is, jointly and severally, hard-working and dedicated. It’s not just a job for them. And around our regions – as you will see from the events we have planned – there is a wealth of selfless commitment to improving lives by raising the standards of health and safety in construction.

Just because you may only be able to offer something small, does not mean your actions are nugatory. We can all do something to make the lives of those around us a little bit better. And, if we all did that, the effect of cumulative kindness could change the world.

Upcoming APS events:

Wednesday 21 April 2021: North West England region presents: Design Risk Management (DRM) - a solution to an old problem

  • Timing: 13:00 – 14:00 hrs
  • About the event: John Carpenter will concentrate on an approach to DRM which is methodical, provides clarity and, importantly, adds value. The presentation also incorporates contemporary practice and provides an overall logical framework against which designers may be assessed by PDs and others.
  • Book here:

Tuesday 27 April 2021: Scotland East region presents: A9 Dualling – Luncarty to Pass of Birnam

  • Timing: 17:00 – 18:30 hrs
  • About the event: Ian Pate will take attendees through the challenges and opportunities of the ongoing delivery of the Luncarty to Pass of Birnam scheme and give a brief overview of the wider A9 dualling programme. The scheme is currently being upgraded from single to dual carriageway as part of Transport Scotland's £3 billion A9 dualling programme to upgrade 80 miles (129 kilometres) of road. The scheme consists of 9.5 km of D2AP to Cat 7A Standard with 2 grade separated junctions at Luncarty (Tullybelton/Stanley Junction) and Bankfoot.
  • Book here:

Wednesday 12 May 2021: Building the Future of Workplace Mental Health

  • Timing: All day event
  • About the event: This conference brings together insights from the industry and beyond to raise awareness of mental health and wellbeing withing the construction industry. The packed programme aims to provide valuable tools for both employers and employees for overall wellbeing in the workplace and life in general. This unique APS event brings together experts and key advisers to the construction sector working on local, national and international building and infrastructure projects. 
  • Book here:

Friday 14 May 2021: Yorkshire region presents, Controlling and Managing Contractors in Construction

  • Timing: 10:00 – 11:00 hrs
  • About the event: Ray Bone, the managing director of ABBEY Construction Consultants and APS president elect will set out the requirements for a client when engaging a contractor for construction work at, or on, a building site. Ray is a practicing principal designer and has been involved in the construction industry for over 29 years. He has been the lead officer for multi-million-pound projects and is currently responsible for advising clients on safety, health and environment management including CDM.
  • Book here:


