Last Night's Attention-Getter
It was definitely an interesting Monday, which started out on a not so pleasant tone which began from the moment I pulled into my parking space at the rear of my office.
Without naming names, along with not going into any great detail, all I can say is, we've definitely got one really sick person living in our City, and because of the extremity of that person's wickedness, I decided it was time to get our Police Department involved.
Once I manged to get connected with my 'go to' police officer, I proceeded to tell him not only what I found, but also my having a strong suspicion it being the work of a certain individual who for whatever reason, has become a person bordering on being branded a stalker.
After one of the police officers who'd earlier arrived on the scene to get some photos taken, I later proceeded to hand him a piece of paper which contained detailed information about the person I'd immediately suspected being the perpetrator after reading the content of the threatening message that was attached to an extremely disgusting corpse of an animal.
Fortunately I was able to get into my server and then transfer the data which was recorded when that individual was at the back of my office around twenty minutes before the hour of ten last night. Once I get that grainy video cleaned up, I'll be making a copy of it and handing it over to the investigating police officer.
All I can say, is anyone who goes out and attempts to terrorize another individual for absolutely no good reason, then they should be made to pay the price, because whenever you threaten someone in writing, that's definitely serious business. Before the officer left, I asked, “Do you think I'm over-reacting to all of this?” He paused a moment and looked me straight-on and said, “Absolutely not, because there's no doubt what I'm seeing and reading, is serious business and not to be taken lightly.” He did assure me that my office will be more closely watched during the nighttime hours from here on out.
When speaking to both officers about the person who's at this time, number one on my list, I insisted I'd not said or done one hurtful thing to that individual, but for whatever reason, the condescending messages I received on and off over many months, which I refused to make any attempt at replying, just wasn't enough to bring that craziness to a halt. But, what I discovered this morning, was over the top, which left me no other reasonable choice, other than my placing a call to the police. As I said, that person, along with likely a number of others living in our city, have definitely got some mental issues.
Before I started focusing on today's workload, I placed a call to a past client who's been deeply involved in the field of psychiatry for a number of years, and thank goodness he had time for me to tell the whole story from beginning to end regarding that person whom I believe is guilty of last night's written threats. Oh my goodness! After listening to his prognosis as to what the root causes of that person's issues are with me, I became a bit nauseated, and only because not long after it started, I was having similar suspicions as to why of all people, it would be me. Thank goodness he did assure me it certainly wasn't anything I said or did, because the real sickness, is in the mind of the person who carried out last night's attention-getter. Yes, I did text him the photo I took of what last night's 'visitor' had written and where it was placed, just so he could see it all for himself.
The remainder of my day was spent visiting with a future seller, along with scheduling another appointment, and then doing some research on a home I'll be previewing tomorrow morning, so if all goes well, I may have three new listings before the week is out.
We still don't have the title work on a home which is scheduled to close this Wednesday, but at least we received a message from that office saying we'll have it tomorrow. My gosh! I really do believe we need to get a few more attorneys up to speed with getting title work completed in a timely manner on real estate transactions. I know we're in the midst of our busy season, but we're definitely not anywhere near the volume we had during the height of the pandemic, so what gives?
My dear friend messaged me about an article which was posted today regarding the final 'closing of the door' with David Rachie and his year-over-year milking of free money out of our City. But, at least they finally put their big boy pants on and put a stop to it. Unfortunately, we now own that defunct Southbridge Mall for the third time, and will likely take it in the shorts once again when unloading it. Will our city ever learn? Of course part of the problem, is far too many in decision-making positions, not taking the time to question, research and review. How many years ago did we read about David Rachie's attempt at building a 'Hollywoodland' in Middleton, Ohio? At least there was a grassroots group of their residents who were instrumental in putting a stop to it. Good for them!
Here's the link to that KIMT article: Mason City ends agreement with developer over downtown hotel
Tonight's One-liner is: Just as no one can be forced into belief, so no one can be forced into unbelief.
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