Last-Minute Triumphs: How to Achieve Your Career Objectives in the Eleventh Hour
If we are to learn anything from the Springboks, apart from the importance of implementing good old values such as having a vision, building a winning team, working hard, preparing, being disciplined, and inclusive, it is the significance of tenacity and defending your position until the very end. President Thabo Mbeki summarised it beautifully, stating that "those who complete the course do so because they don't let fatigue convince them that the road ahead is too long, the inclines too steep, and the loneliness impossible to bear."
As we approach the end of the year, let's resist the temptation to slow down and instead consider the following:
1. Revisit your vision board. Remember what you set out to achieve at the beginning of the year. Reflect on who you wanted to become and how you wanted others to perceive you. Let the pressure of time constraints propel you towards accomplishing your new year's resolutions.
2. Forgive yourself for the distractions you allowed yourself to entertain along the way. Acknowledge the disappointments you've endured, but also forgive them. Holding onto grudges and self-blame only hinders your progress.
3. Possibly the hardest, Maintain a Routine: Stick to a regular routine to help you stay disciplined and motivated. Now is the best to go to the office more, see clients, suppliers, and get the feel of the business. Reignite the purpose and express gratitude.
4. Seek Accountability: Find your tribe. We know that we are stronger together. Siya Kolisi embodies it best. Deep meaningful relationships wins the World Cup. Lean into your tribe. The support and encouragement from others can help you stay motivated and on track.
5. Self-care: splurge on yourself. An act of self love, be a gift to yourself. Play, celebrate, cook, take a shot-left, go on date, watch a movie, laugh out loud. These will go along way to avoid burnout, we would even suggest starting a new hobby and dress up for it. Engage in activities you enjoy, practice mindfulness, and get enough rest.
6. Celebrate Achievements: Acknowledge and celebrate your progress and achievements along the way. Rewarding yourself for completing milestones will boost your motivation and provide a sense of accomplishment. Celebrate with friends, family, and colleagues, ideally over meals, and take pictures.
7. Reflect and Adjust: Take time to reflect on your progress and learn from any setbacks or challenges. Use this information to adjust and refine your approach, ensuring you stay on track.
8. Stay Inspired: Continuously seek inspiration and motivation, just watch the Rugby World Championship’s proceedings from all channels and social media. Then journal your perspective.
9.Visualise the Future: Imagine the results and rewards of your hard work once the year comes to an end. Seeing yourself successful, accomplished can fuel your motivation and drive to keep pushing
Remember, it's never too late to refocus, recommit, and strive for the goals you set for yourself. Keep pushing forward, embrace tenacity, and defend your path until the very end.
Here is to renewed energy! Let’s smash and grab the year.
Yours in service,