Last Minute Gifts For Your Employees [Starbucks Gift Card NOT Included]

Last Minute Gifts For Your Employees [Starbucks Gift Card NOT Included]

Can you believe Christmas is this week? It always seems to sneak up on me. Luckily, I finished my shopping early this year, so I thought I’d try to help anyone who may be scrambling to find something to show his or her employees some appreciation. Small, thoughtful gifts go much further than larger, less personal gifts. Although we all love Starbucks, you and I both know you can do better than that. The larger the team, the harder it is to give personal gifts, but here are some ideas to get you on the right track.


Even with today’s technology, a good book is always a good gift. The book you give could be business or industry related, or it could be a feel-good novel or even self-help book. If your team is small enough, consider getting different books for different employees based on their interests.

Gift Cards

Okay you caught me, but I did specify ‘Starbucks’ gift card. Gift cards aren’t always a bad gift—especially if it shows someone you remembered their favorite restaurant. Also consider giving a gift card to the movies, iTunes or Google Play.

Extra Day of PTO

Giving an employee an extra paid day off is a great gift if you can do it. You can’t use this one every year or it will just become part of your vacation policy, but it’s a great last minute gift that everyone will LOVE.

Chocolate or Wine

While they may say they shouldn’t or need to cut back, most professionals won’t complain about gourmet chocolate or fine wine. In fact, they’ll be happy you gave them a reason to indulge.

Body Care Products

Bath & Body Works is as played out as the Starbucks gift card, but that doesn’t mean soaps, lotions and candles are out of the question. Consider a brand of body care products your employees may not have heard of, maybe even something natural and locally made.

A great gift comes from the heart and is usually something recipients can’t or wouldn’t get for themselves. Your company may be too large to get very personal, but you can do better than a standard gift card. Give it some thought and surprise your employees.

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