Project Closeout - The Last Mile Issues
DBE firm assisting Infrastructure builders with Engineering Design, Construction Management, and Construction Education.
Ready to Seal the Deal? Does it always feel like you think, "Phew, that was rough!" whenever you wrap up a project? If so, you're not alone. Closing out a construction project often seems like it should be the easy part—a straightforward finale to months or years of hard work. But in reality, project closeouts are frequently more complex and problematic than one would imagine, especially in the current world of megaprojects worth billions of dollars.
The Psychological Impact
Feeling fatigued closing a job? Well, that’s not uncommon. Most project staff will directly avoid being part of closing a project. For those who do, the end of a project can lead to complacency, where the focus shifts to future ventures, leaving unresolved minor issues that can balloon into larger disputes. Moreover, the emotional and physical fatigue from managing a long-term project can reduce your team's efficiency and attentiveness during the closeout phase. So, how do you keep morale high and attention sharp during this critical period? Well, that’s the whole point of this article. We talk about how to win the Final Hurdle!
What Exactly Does Project Closeout Entail?
As the name suggests, it’s the final race to finalize a project, complete punch list items, and submit all the relevant documents. This phase ensures the project meets all contractual obligations and client expectations. Think of it like this: it includes activities like final inspections, resolving any outstanding issues, and obtaining those all-important certifications. All this is done to meet contractual obligations and regulatory requirements and transfer ownership to the client.
The Big Misses - What Makes It Challenging?
Sadly, most professionals fail to see the value of a preplanned and well-executed closeout process, often calling it “paperwork” as a way to demean its real worth. Two of the biggest issues are that closeout is often not considered during planning and design, and contractors often fail to allocate the right resources, hoping to wing their way through the process. This often results in cries for forgiveness for missed items— usually unintentionally but sometimes deliberately to cut effort, time, and/or costs.
Meanwhile, we all know that a contractor’s ability to close out a job directly reflects the quality of their work as it shows their level – or lack – of preparedness. Think about it: If a project is well planned, deliverables are conclusively handled promptly, and changes are managed as the project progresses, then most of the closeout takes care of itself. But does it? Well…
Let's talk about some realities and big hurdles you have to work through:
Strategies for Effective Project Closeout
So, how could you get ahead of the game to make job closeout less daunting? Here are some strategies to make this phase smoother:
Finish Strong
The myth of a simple project closeout is just that—a myth. The numerous, intricate tasks involved in properly finishing a construction project can be daunting. But by understanding these challenges and implementing strategic measures, you can navigate this final phase more smoothly, ensuring every project's successful and thorough completion. This solidifies client relationships and sets a precedent for operational excellence, proving that effective closeout is integral to the overall success of construction endeavors.
It gets you your money sooner, too! So, there is that!
Call @PrimECS to help you successfully Seal the Deal!
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