Back in September of 2023, I published an article here on LinkedIn about the shenanighans I faced when I tried to get a new laptop. Such a palava! But yesterday, Steve insisted we pop into Currys for a new one. I enlisted the assistance of a 'grown-up' team member who exactly matched my old laptop to a new one and, although it cost a more than we expected, we bought it. Steve, bless him, knows how badly I, as an active writer, need one I can rely on. We brought it home in shell-shocked silence but I was not comfortable getting it out of its box until today. To my surprise, I managed to get it connected to the internet without any trouble but then things got complicated. I can go no further until I get a reply from their Customer Care team about my next move with it. Well - either that or get my busy (but technologically brilliant) son-in-law in to help me with it and he is away with our daughter. This article is being written on Old Faithful. Hopefully the next piece I do for LinkedIn will be on the new one. Still, at least it is here and honestly, before it got stubborn and refused to let me go on, I was astonished at how incredibly fast it is compared to my old plod-along! I guess it will get easier with time. After all, back in 2016, Old Faithful was also very new to me. Shall we just wait and see? Happy New Year by the way. Wishing you all lots of success throughout 2025.