The Last Game : Episode 3 -Competition is Over

The Last Game : Episode 3 -Competition is Over

As Courtney raced around the track, she was focused on winning the competition. She didn't pay any attention to the other cars around her, and she didn't let their taunts and insults get to her.

But one of her opponents, a car named Ryan, didn't see it that way. He was determined to win the race, and he saw Courtney as a threat. He couldn't stand the idea of being beaten by an autonomous car, and he was determined to do whatever it took to claim victory.

In the middle of the race, Ryan deliberately deviated from the track and swerved into Courtney. He hit her hard, knocking her off course and causing her to spin out of control.

Courtney was shaken by the impact, but she quickly regained her composure. She struggled to get back on the track, but she was moving more slowly now. Ryan took advantage of the situation and pulled ahead, leaving Courtney behind.

Despite the setback, Courtney refused to give up. She pushed her engine to the limit, determined to catch up to Ryan and claim victory. She used every ounce of her advanced technology and her desire to win to drive herself forward, and she slowly but surely started to catch up.

In the end, Courtney managed to pass Ryan and cross the finish line first. She had proven that she was the superior racing car, and she had won the competition despite Ryan's dirty tactics.

The crowd cheered and applauded as Courtney was declared the winner, and she basked in the glow of her victory. She had proved that artificial intelligence was more than capable of competing with humans, and she had shown Ryan and the other racers that they had underestimated her.


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