Last Days of the American Republic
Pete Hegspeth was on television.? He is being interviewed as a candidate for the position of Secretary of Defense.
He has been lauded by some of the dusty Senators overseeing the parade as being a Secretary with dust on his boots.
That’s it.? Along with that we were presented with the caricature of a person who has had three wives, an unknown number of children, with overlapping personal ties, did 5 sets of 47 pushups the morning of the hearing and has many tatoos.
There is no need to go over the statistics related to the war machine that the United States is now laboring to support.? Suffice it to say the amount expended on it off the backs and through misery of the citizens of the United States is far more than what all the rest of the nations on Earth expend to protect themselves from each other.
The United States makes so many weapons and makes so much money from them that they are exported all around the world.? Sometimes to both sides in a conflict, if the salesmen get there fast to head off the Chinese, Russian, English, French, German, Danish, Spanish and other sales force.
As the Last Days of the American Republic grow short there is little to cheer.
There is hunger in the land.? Most people in the world, those who are aware of the United States, are unaware of the hunger that is here.? Even as the nation exports food children and the elderly go hungry.?
Though the United States spends billions of dollars on pharmaceutical products, few know that the bulk of that spending goes to cosmetics.
Even the access to information, like the simple item you are seeing or listening to now, is denied to not only the majority of the world but the majority of citizens in the United States
In the United States there are two main networks that process and share out entertainment and news.? Those two topics are often so intertwined that they cannot be separated.
The hearing for Hegspeth is one of those instances.? It matters little what was said or done.? He could have jumped up and down on the table and acted like a butterfly and the Senators would still vote along party lines.? In that case he will be confirmed and the world can tremble, not at the might and glory of the United States, but that a crackpot has been put in a very dangerous position.
What the future holds is not clear but the Last Days of the American Republic are upon us.
A Poem :
There is a great evil in this world
It bulges out of the mouths of those in power
It is entwined around the ties they fix upon their necks
It is rolling around in their pockets like gold coins
It coils around their wallets
They infect the air we breathe with every exhalation
A disease upon the Earth
They wear many masks and put on many faces
Their souls as dead as death
They share their hatred for humanity
Among each other
They laugh from tables at the thoughts of fidelity
Love, compassion
They trample down the wheat and eat the bread
They sit in comfort and ease while the children starve
For those begging in the streets they greet with stones
As large as boulders
For those scrambling to care for their families
They treat them with missiles of high explosive
Traveling five times the speed of sound
Their thoughts are extended on the Earth
In fiery round
Till the blood and gore of millions
Soaks into their bitterly won ground
So, who would stop them in their trajectory?
To, at once destroy and control for their security
Surely armies of millions and millions
Set upon the land, sea, air and space
Would not be there except they plan to use them
Upon whom do they set their fiery blast?
But those arrayed against them in their flowing best
But just in case they say in secret conclave
They brew a witch’s poison
Lest the people they command to protect
Decide they want someone else to select
Then in powerful motion they turn, one, two, half then all
Their weapons upon the people they claim to serve
One city they destroy in fear
Another done because it is near
Then an example to show what can be done
Till they destroy them all one by one
For with the combined and meshed control
If they cannot control part they will lose the whole
So destroying it is the best they can do
Throwing aside people like an old shoe
Coming forward pretending to glory
The braggarts sing of their own past story
Filled with facts and reasons and laughs
They are blind to the cracks, cold seasons and gaffes
Tis a sad and sorrowful reminder of grace
To preserve the good
The evil will, we will need to erase
Poem Put to Music in a Song :