Last day to join my Options income bootcamp for 25% off
Dr.Boyce D Watkins
Finance Professor and Entrepreneur at Boyce Watkins Enterprises
Hello, I hope you're doing well.
I wanted to inform you that this is your last chance to get 25% off my next Black Wealth Bootcamp, starting July 7th. In this four week training, I will show you my precise method for generating consistent recurring income by selling stock options. I will train you on precisely how I select the stocks, minimize my risk, and make adjustments based on stock market conditions.
Additionally, there are $759 worth of bonuses included with the program that you can use to build your investment training and background. The regular fee for the four week training is $499. With the discount, this reduces your tuition to just $374.25. You can join us for this special event by visiting this link.
Once the program is done, you'll have the ability to use the stock market as a personal ATM machine. This is a powerful way to generate income during a down economy and struggling market. I use this method for my own family as well.
Please take care and have a good night. I look forward to seeing you soon.
Dr Boyce Watkins
The offer ends tonight (Wed) at midnight. Don't miss this chance to change your life for less than 1/40th the average cost of college tuition. You can receive yourdiscount and special offer here.