The last day
1.?I had a vision.
2. I don’t remember much of the details, but I can recall the sentiments.
3. The feelings I had when I saw and felt what had happened.
4. It seemed like a normal evening at first.
5. Your ordinary weekend.
6. Hours before sunset. African time zone. I was expecting a normal turnover.
7. Day to night as was due for the past hundreds of years.
8. You could call It ciock wise, where the sun rotated at a fixed angle.
9. And where day was portioned in equal balance.
10. Where you would receive light then dwell in darkness.
11. As such, within this vision of mine; I was acquainted to the idea of slumber.
12. Of healthy sleep when the sun went down.
13. That was my basic mindset given the situation.
14. To my surprise, a few hours had passed by when night should have set.
15. At first, I thought it a bit strange.
16. Did my clock malfunction?
17. Or did I tell the time wrong?
18. I hesitated to answer, since I wasn’t completely sure.
19. Within the midst of my doubt and questioning, I suddenly looked up.
20. And what used to be a clear blue sky filled with puffy clouds turned into a migration of monsters, dragons, transfigured animals and evolved species.
21. Creatures flying through the air at rapid speed, with an aura that oozed bloody red.
22. The skies didn’t darken my friend, at that moment, I was able to distinguish between different colors.
23. I could have told if it was green or white, or yellow.
24. Nay, it was dark pinkish.
25. Reddish in color.
26. And in the middle a small portal opened, a sort of lens.
27. I was able to peer past the obstruction.
28. I saw beyond the horizon for the first time.
29. As clear as I am seeing a hovering bird.
30. Flying faster than a jet, larger than any plane I saw or heard of.
31. Creatures larger than whales or mystical dinosaurs.
32. Able to fly through planets without being pulled in by the gravity.
33. Able to approach stars without being burnt or obliterated.
34. They were magnetically being pulled in... all together.
35. Almost like they were heading to a gathering arena.
36. And here I was, on earth, left and abandoned.
37. I felt like I missed out.
38. I didn’t join the march.
39. I was stuck here on earth, with a feeble body and a degrading mind.
40. Left to dwell in my own filth and left to lament my own hardship.
41. Who was I to speak out?
42. With what voice could I call upon these creatures to heed my signal?
43. They paid no attention to what was being told.
44. Everyone down here was calling unto them.
45. A personal SOS message.
46. Please save our souls.
47. Yet none heard.
48. None saw.
49. And none came down to witness the bloody massacre which awaited.
50. I knew there and then that it was a courtesy sign.
51. A warning to vacate the premises with or without brute force.
52. An ultimatum to life.
53. You have come this far, and now is when you must cease to move or matter.
54. Once it passed midnight, and the sun was still up, I knew then and there... this was it.
55. So did everyone else who realized it earlier.
56. While some waited till the end to figure it out, others had started immobilizing and structuring their retreat.
57. As was in the past, those who entered the boat and welcomed the covenant were saved by the Ark.
58. And those who waited long enough till the water reached their necks were too late.
59. Once they started drowning and wailing, not even a peep could have been heard from their yelp.
60. Their silent screams fell on deaf ears.
61. Within the protection of the ship exists blissful ignorance.
62. Where you neither see the damned nor hear the tortured.
63. Where no one can make excuses or regret their loses.
64. Where no one has to appease their bosses.
65. There are no bad causes.
66. That is when you realize the destruction of earth wasn’t a bad idea.
67. And that each death held a valuable purpose.
68. You then understand that death has no hold of you nor did life enslave you.
69. You were neither master nor servant.
70. You did not control the sun’s trajectory or the earth’s rotation and evolution.
71. You realize how slow your space ships were and how outdated your knowledge became.
72. What you consider as science or religion is eons behind discovering the truth.
73. A civilization which hasn’t even unlocked the speed of light, let alone innovated a way to travel the cosmos.
74. Humanity which always was but never became.
75. Never became rulers or conquerors.
76. They fought against one another, but were never able to subdue and dominate another kind.
77. They aspired to travel to mars and claimed they landed on a single moon.
78. Yet imagine all the latent potential which was buried within a pile of desk files or a strong drink of whisky and tequila.
79. They killed themselves when things didn’t go their way.
80. They killed others to protect the things they had going.
81. They get others killed for things they want to have.
82. When they want fur, they know whose soul to take to produce that material.
83. When they want meat, they know exactly how to cook it to derive the maximum satisfaction.
84, If they seek electricity or light, they are able to manipulate energy and utilize several resources.
85. For a while, it seemed as if they were in possession of everything.
86. From the trees in the wood which they built furniture with.
87. To the huge mountains and cliffs they constructed houses on.
88. Even to the rivers which they skimmed off of by preparing dams.
89. When life gave them lemons, they made sugar to sweeten its taste.
90. When life faced them with deadly beasts and savage brutalities; they manufactured lethal ammunition and safely avoided all the catastrophes.
91. They made towns and cities far from active volcanoes to decrease the chance of their extinction.
92. They took every possible measurement and planned out each detailed occurrence.
93. They mapped out how the years should continue.
94. They governed the wealth and secured the assets.
95. They tried their best to make it easier for their ancestors to survive.
96. Whether it be as easy as ordering food through your phone.
97. Or as little as walking a few steps to get clean and fresh water.
98. Where humanity would thrive and eliminate boredom and depression.
99. Where everyone and anyone can acquire happiness and live a life of their dreams.
100. Where you don’t have to go through an interview, secure a job, and slave your life away to cover your body or nourish your soul.
101. Where you can afford to buy anything.
102. Where you don’t have to argue silly disputes over gold or diamond.
103. Where worth is given to something which actually matters.
104. Personal relationships.
105. The friendships you acquire.
106. The loyalty you secure.
107. When no one seeks revenge against you.
108. Nor do any hate your actions or intentions.
109. You are not seen as a person of color or distinction.
110. You are not judged based on your appearance or countenance.
111. Your smile would be genuine and their embrace honest.
112. They mean you no harm, and always look after you.
113. You will no longer fear getting scammed or ripped off.
114. No hackers will target you.
115. Nor will bullies come after you.
116. No one is looking for you.
117. You no longer get paranoid or afraid.
118. Death has stopped its chase.
119. Destruction will have completed its mission.
120. God would have announced the verdict.
121. It will all become easy afterwards.
122. All the stress will be gone.
123. The worries vanish.
124. You start taking it easy.
125. One day at a time.
126. One foot after the other.
127. One bite and one kiss.
128. One love.
129. Love for all.
130. All for one.
131. One is all we need.
132. Just one glimpse was all it took.
133. A clear and evident sign for the entirety of mankind.
134. As clear as the day, and as large as the sun and as close as a meteor.
135. These weren’t rocks.
136. What were flying above us were somewhat distorted by the distance and disguised by the authority.
137. What crashed down on earth wasn’t unconscious, nor was it useless.
138. It crashed for a purpose.
139. And they keep entering when they are allowed to make changes to the system.
140. Once the skies split and the screen was unveiled, it was almost like the curtains were raised and the real action was seen.
141. For so long we were kept in the dark.
142. We didn’t know what was happening beyond the first layer of the sphere.
143. Atmosphere? Is that what they called it?
144. The first barrier to exit?
145. How many barriers were there?
146. Seven? Is that what you said?
147. Sounds a lot to someone who wasn’t prepared.
148. News flash… we were not ready.
149. We are barely maintaining a working internet, let alone crossing the threshold.
150. As we are now, we can’t even dive deep into the oceans.
151. We need someone else to catch our fish, and another to harvest our land.
152. You see, we are co-dependent on one another.
153. We cannot live without each other.
154. In order to survive we must hang onto one another for dear life.
155. If any of us is caught lacking or slipping, we will certainly fall through the cracks.
156. Fall into desolation.
157. Into despair and ruin.
158. Into poverty and malnutrition.
159. You see the problems we were facing with?
160. The sun coming out of the other side or setting towards the same direction was a bit troubling and beyond my human capacity to fathom.
161. It wasn’t war, rather a declaration.
162. A please leave message heard loud and clear.
163. That is why I believe it was more of a panic migration.
164. Everyone and everything was rushing to get out.
165. Almost like you were in a giant room with a ticking time bomb.
166. In this case, the entire existence was the giant room and every known species and creature were the inhabitants.
167. They all feared being wiped out.
168. So they were trying to retreat.
169. This explains their haste.
170. I looked up, and they were all in a rush to get somewhere or tried to avoid something.
171. I was never really able to peer into what was behind or ahead of them.
172. Just a few seconds of what seemed like heavenly justice.
173. A hellish nightmare.
174. It explains the red aura, since fire has been known to burn in a blackish-red glow.
175. Perhaps its blue state was peaceful, and the red signifies an alarm.
176. A passive awakening.
177. From beyond, they gave us a warning.
178. They were the first ones to be escorted out, we were next in line.
179. The rapture had begun, and we were placed in the waiting list.
180. For a long time, people wanted to experience this.
181. It was biblically foretold and quranically hinted.
182. It was told that life would come to an end, and mysterious events would begin to transpire.
183. Time after time, people kept speculating of the date.
184. They tried to predict the day and the hour.
185. They kept on insisting that it was soon.
186. Any day now.
187. In a way, they were obsessed with the idea of the end.
188. The concept of Holy justice weighed heavily on their hearts.
189. Each tragedy or disaster seemed like it was the final sign.
190. They wanted the next incident to be the last.
191. They either wanted complete peace or full chaos.
192. Nothing in between.
193. They couldn’t bare watching others go through horrific ordeals.
194. They dreaded the tsunamis which destroyed homes and killed families.
195. Every hour or day a person dies in public or in private, they had to go through the same trouble.
196. The tedious routine of sadness, grief and melancholy.
197. You can’t help but feel sorry for the victim.
198. You don’t control who you give sympathy to, and if you try, you end up being callous or cruel, or both.
199. Indifferent to every situation.
200. When you go against your basic nature, you have to sacrifice something.
201. You end up losing a lot more than what you gain.
202. Had you taken the time to hear what the other person had to say, you would have received far more than when you shut them off or drove them away.
203. When a day comes where you know no one, you can no longer rely on anyone.
204. You don’t have a nephew or a brother, nor were you a sister or a wife.
205. You never experienced motherhood, your past is completely wiped.
206. Isn’t that what you asked for?
207. A clean slate?
208. They warned you about getting your wish.
209. They tried to forbid you from committing a heinous crime.
210. Once your slate is clean, your identity is forever removed.
211. You don’t become your former self or remember anything.
212. You will have to forsake your dreams and fantasies.
213. You will have to detach from your memories and cherished moments.
214. Did you really think it through before asking for a clean slate?
215. There comes a huge penalty and fine with asking forgiveness.
216. In order for your past to be kept a secret or for it not to be accounted as evidence, you must fulfill certain conditions.
217. Only then can you keep it buried and away from potential danger or risk.
218. Until you have full control over your past, nothing will go your way.
219. Without an identity, or a memory; you will have to start from day one.
220. Every day or moment is a new moment.
221. Your attention span is smaller than the last meal you ate.
222. Once you take in a breath, it resets to the start.
223. You a few moments ago, you born again, you transforming and changing.
224. Nothing is constant and everything is possible.
225. New you entails new opportunity and chances.
226. Thus, your old life is as far back as a second ago, which you can relive again or re-shape your destiny.
227. Each moment can be altered in accordance with your desire.
228. Your wish which seemed to backfire could help rescue your soul.
229. A clean slate might seem scary at first, but you will grow into it.
230. You will learn to adapt living multiple lives at once.
231. Once you get the hang of it, you can be whatever you want for as long as you seek.
232. You slowly train your resolve and will power.
233. Handling one event while trying to balance another manifestation.
234. Appearing at both places at the same time.
235. It would at first seem impossible.
236. Something beyond transportation.
237. Or teleportation.
238. Once you start to duplicate yourself, you slowly train multiplying.
239. You start with simple tasks at first.
240. Could be sleeping here and standing there.
241. Or consuming food here, staying intimate there, and chatting with pals all over.
242. You could be swimming with them over there, chilling with us over here, and still be all over the place to conduct your operation.
243. Nothing will stop you from experiencing whatever you want.
244. What once seemed as only a dream, will today be seen as reality and tomorrow lived as a certainty.
245. The last day. ??????????????????????