Last chance to submit an talk abstract to NEUBIAS 2018. Deadline: 27th of November 2017!
Paula Sampaio
CSO and Co-Founder @ iLoF - Intelligent Lab on Fiber <>Head of Advanced Light Microscopy @ i3S
The deadline for submission of talk abstract for the NEBULAS symposium, 27th of Jan -2nd of February in Szeged has been extended till November 27th. Szeged is the 3rd city of Hungary, which can easily be reached from Budapest Airport. Free shuttle buses from, and back to, Budapest Airport that will be available during the conference.
We encourage you to submit your latest research for the meeting.
Besides all BioImage Analysts and Developers, we would like to take the opportunity to invite all Life Scientist to the NEUBIAS symposium. The NEUBIAS meeting connects Life Scientist, Analysts, and Developers of Bio Image Analysis tools to build and foster collaborations and exchange information.
The Open source Software Lounge (OsSL) showcases open software tools for BioImage Analysis and enables a direct exchange between users and creators of software solutions and hands-on demos.
Neubias in brief:
Abstract submission:
Symposium registration:
The current scientific program:
‘Call for Help’ session: The Call for Help session is forum, to present difficult and challenging problems, and discuss best practices for tackling these problems together with the Analysts and Developers present at the conference. If you want to solicit a problem or case study to present it to a broader audience or to invite new solutions to them please contact Sebastian Munck directly.
We look forward to seeing you in Szeged.
The organizers
Peter Horvath, Local organizers, NEUBIAS MC member for Hungary.
Sebastian Munck, NEUBIAS Strategy & events.
Julien Colombelli, Chair, Kota Miura, Vice Chair
And all other organizing bodies for Training Schools, Taggathon, Symposium.