Last Call: NABE's 2017 Multimedia Contest for PK-2
Anita Pandey
Professor, U.S. Department of Education 2022 and 2021 National Professional Development (NDP) grant proposal reviewer & PD & Family Engagement Expert
● To promote early bilingualism and/or multilingualism, and to recognize and appreciate the achievement of young children who have invested their time and effort in speaking or signing in at least one other world language
● To provide an opportunity for young children to start developing global awareness and the linguistic skills necessary to succeed in the 21st century.
● To provide a platform for children to showcase their multilingual talents and cross-cultural competency
Official Rules and Dates:
● Timeline: Submission due dates, judging dates, announcement dates
o Contest Opens: September 8, 2016
o Submissions due: Feb. 2, 2017
o Winners announced at NABE’s 2016 Conference in Chicago
● Judging: Qualified Submissions will be judged by a panel of experts.
PK-K Group
1st place winner: $250 and plaque
2nd place winner: $200 and plaque
Grades 1-2 Group
1st place winner: $250 and plaque
2nd place winner: $200 and plaque
· All preK-2 aged children are welcome to participate.
Creativity is encouraged, so any and all child-created entries that utilize two or more languages that demonstrate the children bi/multilingual fluency. Children should respond to one of the following prompts:
· Share three to five interesting things you would like to tell your friends, family, and/or teacher about your home language (You might say some interesting words or expressions that don’t translate into English.)
· Share two ways your family members and you use two or more languages at home and in other places (for example, when you listen to another type of music or watch a TV show or movie in another language or when you visit someone who spent some time in another country), and how knowing another language helps you.
· Share a story, play, or poem created by you in two languages (i.e., 50% of the entry in each language).
Mutimedia Options:
· Writing, drawing, sculpture, puppetry, and other artwork in digital files. The final entries could be a video-taped spoken, recited, acted or mimed performance; a digital story recounted by the participating child; or a written submission of artwork combined with written text-in the child’s original words. The languages could be written in Roman/English script, if the child and/or parents does not write in the home language script.
Adults are permitted to type up and submit entries, without changing the diction or word order. Reflections or stories created and shared by children in Powerpoint, Prezi, audio, and/or video formats are welcome.
See below the preferred settings for creating master video files that could potentially be uploaded to the NABE Website:
● Video HD format (720P, 1080i) preferred. Please use the highest quality settings possible when filming and compressing (exporting) your video. Widescreen (16:9) preferred aspect ratio. Quicktime file format is preferred (.mov, H.264, .mp4)
● Audio Stereo audio (48kHz)
Role of Teachers/Parents:
? Teachers and parents may assist with dictation and with technology, and are in charge of submitting entries, but children should be responsible for the creativity, and the language and content, including performances submitted.
Submission Requirements:
All entries must be accompanied by:
1. An artistic statement – in less than 100 words including a title & brief description of the submission in the child’s words which the submitter is asked to capture or transcribe as accurately as possible
2. A brief biography (including the child’s full name, date of birth, place of birth, home language and cultural background)
3. A recent photograph of the child in Word, jpeg or tiff format
Please note: Photos of the children, their biographical information, and the winning entries may be used on the NABE website. If more than one child participates in a single entry, please submit individual photos for each child.
Submission Guidelines:
· Electronically submit all entries to [email protected] via a pdf file, an Mp3 file, or a U-tube link. The Subject Line should read “NABE Contest.”
● All essay entries must be a maximum of two standard-size pages in length and video and audio submissions must be no more than 3 minutes long (including title and credits).
● Please choose ONE of the following methods of submitting your project. You may submit your project as follows:
● Raw Files: Provide a Google link, or Dropbox link for files uploaded. Files must be MP4 following the suggested video encoding specifications.
● Vimeo link – If you do not have a raw file but have uploaded your work to Vimeo, you may enter the link as a submission via e-mail.
● An audio mp3 file (e.g., of a short story, reflective piece or other non-written entry that demonstrates proficiency on two or more languages).
· Categories for video submissions include but are not limited to:
Animation: Animation is the art of making images, pictures, and objects come to life by making it appear that they are moving. Animation can take many styles, and appropriate projects for this category include stop motion, computer generated, Flash, hand-drawn, motion graphics, and/or a hybrid of formats.
News Report/Documentary: News Reports /Documentaries aim to tell a story by capturing real life events, past or present. Appropriate projects for this category would be non-fiction videos exploring a child’s routine, opportunities to speak another language, to eat foods