Last Boxing Lesson?
??Paul Mort??
2X UK Mastercoach of the Year, Best Selling Published Author with Harper Collins and Keynote Speaker. I work with people who want to get their sh1t together and upgrade their lives. No Fluff, No BS, no happy-clappy.
Last Saturday, I took part in a boxing match...
In front of over FIVE HUNDRED people
(As I'm sure you're well aware)
And even though it was nearly a full week ago?
I can still feel the 'after-effects'
Physically, I left the ring without a mark
But I'm still suffering from a post-event 'low'
You see, there's a LOT of build up for these type of events
Lots of training
Lots of sparring
Lots of expectations
Then, when the 'thing' actually happens...
Win, lose, or draw?
It always feels a bit 'anti-climatic'
And the next few days are always a bit tough
(This is one of the reasons why I don't do many speaking gigs, despite getting constant requests)
However, as always...
There are LESSONS to be learnt in this situation
And the lesson here, is that I should've had something to look forward to AFTER the event
A little 'reward' if you will
Don't get me wrong, if I had won the fight...
(Instead of a getting the draw)
That would've been a reward in itself
But I always get these post-event lows REGARDLESS of the 'result'...
And so I should've prepared for it
Maybe you're the same?
And if so?
That's my advice to you, as well
If you work in a high-pressure environment...
And you ALWAYS deliver?
(Win, lose, or draw)
Make sure you reward yourself for all of your hard work
It might seem a little bit self-indulgent
But you know what?
F*ck it
You deserve it
Paul 'Because You're Worth It' Mort
PS - Speaking of boxing...
Have you seen much of the Mayweather/McGregor promotional tour?
I'll be sending you my thoughts on that, next week
Stay tuned