The Last Blackout Thriller by David Lipschitz
The Last Blackout Book Cover

The Last Blackout Thriller by David Lipschitz

Private and Corporate Utilities : Newsletter 24, by David Lipschitz BSc (Honours) MBA

To find out what a total blackout will mean to South Africans, I have created The Last Blackout series of books. The first book shows how I found my purpose and resilience, which led me to become a "prepper" (although in a house in the middle of a city and not in an off-grid community). It shows three scenarios of how a blackout will affect people. The first two scenarios are set starting on a rainy Saturday next winter. One of them is in a suburb in Cape Town. The other is in Gugulethu, a "township" in Cape Town. The second scenario is on a hot summer's day next summer. It is set in a Call Centre. This is a very special call centre. You'll see why when you read the book.

The book and series aren't only for South Africans but anyone concerned about our electrical systems' future.

“The Last Blackout” by David Lipschitz. A Science Fiction Suspense Thriller is available on Kindle and has just been launched. . Also, Amazon Print on Demand. South African Paperback is available on 1st August. David's 6th published book and first Fiction Thriller.

  • Kindle Version R60. $3.14 outside South Africa.
  • Amazon Paperback Print on Demand version $6.80.
  • Amazon Hard Cover Print on Demand version $17.14.

South African books available from 1st August 2022:-

  • South African Paperback R110.
  • South African Hard Cover R300.

Some people have already prepaid to ensure they get theirs on or soon after the 1st of August.

"An electrifying read that will shock you into action."

South African physical book launch at Cafe Neo in Cape Town in Mouille Point across the road from the Mouille Point Lighthouse at 4 pm on Monday 1st August 2022.

Also, see

#booklaunch #thriller #action #suspense #sciencefiction #book #author #thelastblackout #depression #bullying #electricity #loadshedding #blackout #purpose #southafrica #science #amazon #twohourmystery #twohour #twohourread #twohourthriller #twohoursuspense #shortread #suspenceshortread #thrillershortread #mysteryshortread #twohourliterature #fictionshortread #twohourfiction #future #community #people #electrical

Interviewed on ENCA on Sunday 17th July 2022

Buy here.


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