In the last 2 years I’ve reviewed 487 blood reports of clients
Most men I work with are 40-60 years old.
They are go getters, high achievers and very ambitious in all areas of their life.
They come to me not just to get six pack lean, but to peak perform at work.
Going back to the blood reports, here are 5 patterns are found:
1. Over 1/3 of the men I work with are prediabetic.
They have absolutely no idea that they were prediabetic before starting the program.
A big reason for that is because they only feel a slight portion of the symptoms of a Type 2 diabetic.
So they think it’s normal to have energy dips and cravings all the time and write it off as stress or aging.
While being prediabetic doesn’t have the same risk as being Type 2 diabetic, it’s still insight to know to what nutrition & macro breakdown you’ll respond better too.
2. 9/10 guys are low on Vitamin D
Even the ones living in Florida, SoCal or Vegas.
Part of it is because the sun needs to be at a 35 degree angle for your body to get vitamin D from the sun.
If it’s lower, then you can spend hours at the sun and have no Vitamin D absorption.
Then there are others who supplement with Vitamin D and it’s still low.
Either their dose is too low, the brand they take is not good or they are missing out an important piece:
Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin. You want to make sure you take it with fats.
Great brands already have coconut oil with it, so it maximizes absorption.
3. Systemic Inflammation
7/10 guys are inflamed.
Yet nobody ever told them about this.
Even though they go to a yearly check up, the doc never said a word.
It’s not that the doc doesn’t know it, it’s that most doctors never pull a complete & holistic blood panel.
So they miss out on one of the most important blood marker, CRP = C-reactive protein.
This is a protein that is produced by the body when blood vessel walls are inflamed.
The more proteins are attached around your blood vessel walls, the more inflamed you are.
Knowing this, gives insight to underlying issues and puts your attention to those.
It could be that you’re inflamed because you have a lot of visceral fat around your organs, are eating foods that are inflaming you or have an infection, gut health issues, etc.
4. About 3/10 guys have suboptimal Thyroid markers
They aren’t Hypothyroid or have any autoimmune disease, but their thyroid levels are not great.
This slows down energy metabolism, they feel more tired more often, their hair loss is accelerated.
Plus, it impacts how fast you can lose weight.
Knowing which marker is off gives further indication to what’s not working.
Is it a Thyroid production issue? Or is it a Thyroid conversion issue?
Free T4 and Free T3 are two important markers here.
5. This one is shocking, but 50+ guys have higher Testosterone levels than guys in their 30’s and 40’s.
This is no typo.
I was quite surprised when I saw this pattern initially, but after speaking with some of the world’s top experts on Testosterone I gained more clarity.
This is very useful for men in their 20’s and 30’s who think everything is ok and getting blood work done is something for old men.
It’s not.
Getting blood work done as soon as you read this post gives you a lot of data on what’s going on in your body.
Find someone who can put together a plan on your blood results and reverse your deficiencies naturally, and of needed, with medications.
The ROI is significant, many times much more mentally than it is physically.
A high performance CEO shouldn’t be inflamed and sluggish.
Rather fast, sharp and on top of his game.